PASURAMS 534-544

*teLLiyAr palar*

Once when kaNNan leaves, after the garment dispute, AndAl's  longing to unite with Him escalates. As a forlorn lover, she resorts to find out if she can unite with Him, by trying out the koodal izhaittal game.


This is a game played generally by teenagers, to find out if their desire be fulfilled. There are many ways to play this.

 1)One way is to draw concentric circles and pair it to find if it becomes even. In case of being even, they believe it to be a good omen or otherwise not.

2)Another way is to spread some sand and start drawing a circle with one finger, being blindfolded. If the circle gets completed, they count it to be a positive sign.

3)One more way is to throw few shells within a circled area closing the eyes.  Later one can find out how many can be paired. Once the pair turns out to be an even number, they consider it to be promising.

*koodidu koodalE*--- At the end of every pAsuram, this phrase finds its place, as a way of requesting the insentient objects to pair and fulfil her wish thereby.

534 * theLLiyAr * palar kai thozhum dhEvanAr vaLLal * 

mAlirunjsOlai maNALanAr ** 

paLLi koLLum idaththu * adi kottida *

 koLLumAgil nI kUdidu kUdalE! (1)

1) Lord TirumAl, worshipped by the ever pure Nithyasoories *(telliyAr palar)with folded arms, has graciously descended to reside in, TirumAlirunchOlai. If I can be lucky to do pAda seva for this Lord, my master, (manAlanAr) in His abode, please bless me by pairing and grant my wish. *koodidu koodalE* (1)

535 * kAttil vEngkadam * kaNNapura nagar *

 vAttam inRi * magizhndhuRai vAmanan ** 

OttarA vandhu * en kaip patRi *

 thannodum kUttumAgil nI kUdidu kUdalE! (2)

2) The Lord who took the form of vAmanA! resides happily and wholeheartedly without any grievance both in the forest region of tiruvENkatam and in the city of tirukkaNapuram similar to AyarpAdi. Oh! KoodalE, If He will come running to hold my hand and embrace me, you please pair up and fulfill my wishes. *koodidu koodalE* (2)

536 pUmagan pugazh vAnavar * pOtRudhaR kAmagan * 

aNi vANudhal * dhEvaki mAmagan ** 

migu sIr * vasudhEvar tham * 

kOmagan varil * kUdidu kUdalE! (3)

3) Lord Brahma, born out of the lotus flower and the praiseworthy Nithyasoories hail this Purushothaman (the ruler of both the Vibhuti) who is the celebrated son of the radiant and beautiful Devaki and loyal Vasudeva. Oh! KoodalE, if He will come to embrace and take me away, show me the sign of you pairing *koodidu koodalE!* (3)

537 AychchimArgaLum * Ayarum anjchida *

 pUththa nIL * kadambERip pugap pAyndhu vAyththa 

kALiyan mEl * nadam Adiya *

 kUththanAr varil * kUdidu kUdalE! (4)

4) Oh! KoodalE, if at all, Kannan the great dancer who danced on the venomous snake kAliyan, that was living in the pond, by diving into the water from the atop the well bloomed Kadamba tree to the astonishment of the AyarpAdi's, will arrive here, you please pair up indicating a good omen. *koodidu koodalE* (4)

538 mAda mALigai sUzh * madhuraip padhi nAdi * 

nantheruvin * naduvE vandhittu ** 

OdaimA * madha yAnai udhaiththavan * 

kUdumAgil * nI kUdidu kUdalE! (5)

5) If at all kaNNapirAn, who kicked and killed the elephant with its musth, be coming to the city of Mathura, with its tall buildings and palaces searching for my house, calling out for me standing in the middle of the street to get united with me, Oh! *koodidu koodalE!* (5)

539 atRavan * marudham muRiya nadai katRavan * 

kanjchanai * vanjchanaiyinAl setRavan ** 

thigazhum madhuraip padhi *

kotRavan varil * kUdidu kUdalE!(6)

6) With a firm decision to unite with me, if at all Lord KaNNan, the King of Mathura, who brought down the maruda trees by practicing to crawl and walk, who deceitfully incarnated to put an end to kamsa, be coming for sure, Oh! *koodidu koodalE!*. (6)

540 anRu innAdhana sey * sisupAlanum *

ninRa nIL marudhum * erudhum puLLum **

 venRi vEl * viRal kanjchanum vIzha * 

mun konRavan varil * kUdidu kUdalE!(7)

7) If my Lord kaNNan, who destroyed the vicious SishupAlan, the demons who stood on His way as the twin maruda trees, who brought to control the ferocious  seven bulls, destroyed bakAsurA in the form of a crane and the mighty kamsa with his victorious sword, is coming, then please denoted it to me by pairing.* koodidu koodalE!* (7)

541 Aval anbudaiyAr tham * manaththanRi mEvalan * 

virai sUzh * thuvarApadhik kAvalan **

 kanRu mEyththu viLaiyAdum * 

kOvalan varil * kUdidu kUdalE!(8)

8) kaNNaN, the King and the ruler of fragrance emanating  DwAraka, dwells in the hearts of none other than those who have great liking and love for him. He is the GopAlan, who was born in Ayarkulam and graced and played with the innocent cowherds. Please pair up and show me, that this KaNNan is going to come and take me. *koodidu koodalE.* (8)

542 koNda kOlak * kuRaL uruvAych senRu *

 paNdu mAvali than * peru vELviyil **

 aNdamum nilanum * adi onRinAl *

 koNdavan varil * kUdidu kUdalE!(9)

9)AndAl recalls vAmanAvatAram.

 If, Lord Trivikrama, who measured the whole of the upper world and the nether world with each of His steps, after gaining the alms from King mahAbali, taking the dwarfish brahmachAri form with his sacred thread, Pavitram and a staff, is sure to come, please pair up and show me. *koodidu koodalE.* (9)

543 pazhagu nAnmaRaiyin poruLAy * madham ozhugu 

vAraNam * uyya aLiththa ** 

em azhaganAr * aNi Aychchiyar sindhaiyuL * 

kuzhaganAr varil * kUdidu kUdalE!(10)

10) EmperumAn is the essence of the well practiced timeless four vEdas. He was the one who relieved Gajendra the elephant from the clutches of the crocodile. He made me indulge in His captivating beauty. Oh! KoodalE, if this KaNNan is going to come, please pair up for my sake. *Koodidu koodalE* (10)


544 * Udal kUdal * uNardhal puNardhalai *

 nIdu8 ninRa * niRai pugazh Aychchiyar ** 

kUdalaik * kuzhaR kOdhai mun kURiya * 

pAdal paththum vallArkku * illai pAvamE(11)

11)AndAl, with her beautiful curly hair, elaborated in simple style, how the AyarpAdi girls engaged themselves in petty tiffs, then reunite, expose their folly and finally be in unison with the Lord, in these ten verses. Those who chant these ten verses will never face the hardship of being left alone from the nearness of  The Lord. (11)

AndAl Tiruvadigale Sharanam.


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