PASURAMS 514 – 523

NAmam Ayiram....

Realising the intense intention of the Aychiyar girls to unite with Him, KaNNan is startled and confused at the thought that, “why should the Ayar girls be worried to get united with me, when it is me, who have to be really worried about the union with them? For the same reason, instead of approaching me, why do they seek the help of a different deity?”  So kaNNan decides to appear before AndAl, to help her in the similar way He helped the gopikAs of gokulam by stopping their offerings to Lord Indra and diverting it to Govardhana mountain. 

Here AndAl tries to ignore Him and even picks up a tiff with him arguing and fighting, not to spoil and destroy the small sand castles that they have made for their deity kAmadevan. “engal siRRil vandu sidaiyELE”

514 * nAmam Ayiram Eththa ninRa * 

nArAyaNA! naranE! * unnai

mAmi than maganAgap petRAl * 

emakku vAdhai thavirumE ** 

kAmanpOtharu kAlam enRu * 

pangkuni nAL kadai pAriththOm *

thImai seyyum sirIdharA! * 

engkaL sitRil vandhu sidhaiyElE 1

514.Oh! Lord nArAyaNA, as well as nara,(as you incarnated as rAma- the human form)possessing supreme quality’s, celebrated by the celestials with thousand names,(நாமம் ஆயிரம் ஏத்தநின்ற)Oh! Lord who took the form of Nara-nArAyaNa (நாராயணாநரனே)to educate the people of the world in badarikAshramam, we can hardly be at peace, if we get our mother in law YaShOdA’s son (I.e you) as our husband who is already very mischievous. As this is the Tamil month Panguni, when kAman will grant our wishes, we have made small castles with silt on the streets to please him, thereby to attain you. Oh! Mischievous Shreedhara , consort of mahAlakshmi please do not ruin our sandcastles (எங்கள் சிற்றில்வந்து சிதையேலே). (1)

515 inRu mutRum mudhugu nOva * 

irundhizhaiththa ichchitRilai *

nanRum kaNNuRa nOkki *

 nAngkoLum4 Arvam thannaith thaNikidAy **

 anRu bAlaganAgi * 

Alilai mEl thuyinRa em AdhiyAy! *

enRum undhanakku engkaL mEl *

 irakkam ezhAdhadhu em pAvamE


515. Oh! Lord KaNNA our saviour, at the time of the final deluge, you saved the world with such compassion, taking the form of a small child lying on a single banyan leaf. As you are all powerful, with no hassle you create everything just with your sankalpam (thought).Now at this moment, we have created small sand castles throughout the day, with much enthusiasm not even minding our resultant back pain. Instead of giving a thorough look at it and making us feel happy, why do you intend to trample it? Are we not worthy of your mercy ? May be it is our sins that drive us away from your mercy. (2)

516 guNdunIr uRai kOLarI! *

 madha yAnai kOL viduththAy * 

unnaik kaNdu mAluRuvOngkaLaik *

 kadaik kaNgaLAlittu vAdhiyEl **

vaNdal nuNmaNal theLLi * 

yAm vaLaik kaigaLAl siramappattOm * 

theNthiraik kadal paLLiyAy! * 

engkaL sitRil vandhu sidhaiyElE 3

516.Oh lord! Who reclines on the deep wavy pArkaDal (milky ocean), who took the form of the majestic lion Nrisimha, you saved elephant Gajendra from the clutches of the crocodile. Why are you bent upon giving us just a glance, when we are wholly desirous of you? Straining ourselves, we have created with our bangled hands these sandcastles with pure silt. We beg You please do not come and damage it. (3)

517 peyyumA mugil pOl vaNNA! * 

undhan pEchchum seygaiyum *

 engkaLai maiyal EtRi mayakka * 

un mugam mAya mandhiram thAn kolO? **

 noyyar piLLaigaL enbathaRku *

 unnai nOva nAngkaL uraikkilOm *

seyya thAmaraik kaNNinAy! *

 engkaL sitRil vandhu sidhaiyElE 4

517. Oh! Lord with lotus eyes, (punDareekAksha), and complexion of the dark rain bearing clouds ! When interacting, Your words and actions madden us, while Your magical face mesmerises like a spell. Fearing that you and the people might gauge us to be innocent insignificant little girls, we are reluctant to say anything that may hurt your feelings, so as not to loose You. Hence please don’t smash our sandcastles.(4)

518 veLLai nuNmaNal koNdu *

 sitRil vichiththirappada * 

vIdhi vAyth theLLi nAngkaL izhaiththa kOlam * azhiththiyAgilum undhan mEl ** 

uLLam Odi urugal allAl * 

urOdam onRumilOm kaNdAy *

kaLLa mAdhavA! kEsavA! * 

un mugaththana kaNgaL allavE 5

518. Oh mischievous mAdhavA, kEshavA! Even if you destroy the beautifully created sand castles on the street made out of sieved white sand with great effort by us, and not appreciate it seeing with Your beautiful eyes, we will not get angry on you, though be greatly disappointed. We loose ourselves the very moment we look at your eyes which are very captivating. (5)

519 mutRilAdha piLLaigaLOm *

 mulai pOndhilAdhOmai * 

nAL thoRum sitRil mElittuk koNdu * 

nI siRidhuNdu thiNNena nAm adhu katRilOm ** 

kadalai adaiththu arakkar kulangkaLai *

 mutRavum setRu * 

ilangkaiyaip pUsalAkkiya sEvagA! * emmai vAdhiyEl 6

519. Oh! Valorous Lord, building a bridge across the ocean, ( sEtubandhan) You weeded out the asuras by making Lanka a battle field for the sake of Seetha. Here, having the sand castles as the reason, everyday You trouble us. Oh! Raghuveera! We are young innocent girls. Please do not trouble us! (6)

520 pEdham nangaRivArgaLOdu * 

ivai pEsinAl peridhu insuvai *

yAthum onRaRiyAdha piLLaigaLOmai *

 nI nalindhu en payan? ** 

OdhamA kadal vaNNA! * 

un maNavAttimArodu sULuRum5 *

sEdhu bandham thiruththinAy! *

 engkaL sitRil vandhu sidhaiyElE 7

520. Oh! krishNA, having the complexion of the vast tumultuous ocean! You built a bridge across Sethu. It will be very fascinating, if you have all the arguments with Your well learned equals, who can understand. What is the use of tormenting innocent girls like us?  We swear upon all your wives. Please do not crush our cute sandcastles. (7)

521 vattavAych siRu thUthaiyOdu * 

siRu suLagum maNalum koNdu *

ittamA viLaiyAduvOngkaLaich *

 sitRil Idazhiththu en payan? ** 

thottudhaiththu naliyEl kaNdAy * 

sudarch chakkaram kaiyil EndhinAy! * 

kattiyum kaiththAl innAmai * 

aRidhiyE kadal vaNNanE! 8

 521. Ocean hued KrishNa! holding the resplendent chakra in Your hand! Using a round mouthed pot, winnow (சிறுசுளகு) and fine silt collected in the pot, willingly we play making sandcastles.  What pleasure do You get in trampling our efforts? Do not touch and irritate us. Do you know? Even the most sweetest thing [here AndAl refers to KrishNa, as they like Him the most] will be bitter, if our tastes become bitter.

(kaittAl kaTTiyum innAmai – nenju kasandAl karupETTiyum inikkAdu) (8)

522 mutRaththUdu pugundhu * nin mugam kAttip punmuRuval seydhu * sitRilOdu engkaL sindhaiyum * sidhaikkak kadavaiyO? gOvindhA! ** mutRa maNNidam thAvi * viNNuRa nINdaLandhu koNdAy! * emmaip patRi meyppiNakkittakkAl * indhap pakkam ninRavar en sollAr? 9

522.leaving KrishNa behind, all the girls enter the courtyard of the house and lock themselves. Still they find Him inside as He is all prevalent.

Oh! Govinda! You measured the whole world with one leg and extended the other one to reach even paramapadam. With such greatness, is it fair on your part to ruin our freshly built sandcastles as well as our heart, giving just a beautiful smile? Not stopping there, if you even embrace us, What will the people, who see, think about us? (9)


523 * sIdhai vAy amudham uNdAy! * 

engkaL sitRil nI sidhaiyEl enRu *

vIdhi vAy viLaiyAdum * 

Ayar siRumiyar mazhalaich sollai **

vEdha vAyth thozhilArgaL vAzh *

 villipuththUr man vittuchiththan than * 

Kadhai vAyth thamizh vallavar * 

kuRaivinRi vaikuntham sErvarE6 10

523. AndAl, the young loving daughter of vittuchittan residing in Srivilliputhur, where vEdic scholars chant and perform vEdic deeds, has recited these tamil words as said by the innocent young girls of AyarpAdi, playing in the streets, addressing KrishNa saying, "Oh! Lord, who is the sweet consort of sItA, please do not ruin our small sand castles. Those who practice saying these verses will reach the permanent abode, VaikunTham without any shortcomings .

(kuraivindri vaikuntam sEruvAr) (10)

AndAl Thiruvadigale Sharanam.


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