*PASURAMS 443 TO 452*

neykuDattai patri..

Upon the devout request from the Azhwar, emperumAn enters his body. Feeling delighted, Azhwar orders all the diseases to immediately leave his body as it is no more the previous body filled with dirt and waste, but has now become the (paTTinam) dwelling place of the king ( Parabrahmam) and is therefore well protected.

443:##neykkudaththaip paRRi* ERum eRumbukaL pOl n^irandhu* eNGgum-

kaikkoNdu n^iRkinRa n^OyhaaL!* kaalam peRa uyyappOmin*

meykkoNdu vandhupuhundhu* vEdhappiraanaar kidandhaar*

paikkoNda paambaNaiyOdum* paNdanRu pattinam kaappE. (2) 1.

443. Oh Disease!   Similar to the army of ants that climb over the ghee pot getting attracted, you have spread all over and live in my body. If you still wish to persist, leave my body at once and seek else where. The Lord who has given the vEdAs ( vedapirAnAr) has entered my body along with His consort on His serpent bed. Hence my body and soul is being protected by Him. It is not like before (  panDanDru ). So there’s no way that you can dwell here.*“panDanDru paTTinam kAppE”* (1)

444: chiththirakuththan ezhuththaal* thenpulakkOn poRiyoRRi*

vaiththa ilachchinai maaRRi* thoodhuvar OdiyoLiththaar*

muththu thiraikkadaR sErppan* moodhaRivaaLar mudhalvan*

paththarkku amudhan_adiyEn* paNdanRu pattinam kaappE. 2.

444. Oh Disease! The messengers of Yama, have fled away seeing the messengers of Vishnu (VishnukinkarAs) around me. They have even changed my name to someone else’s  in the charter of death written by Chitragupta duly signed by the king of the southern direction Yama and have gone hiding. I have become subservient to the Lord who reclines on the ocean abundant with pearls, who is the master of the nithyasoories and the true nectar of the devotees. Hence my previous status doesn’t exist anymore, rather protected by the Lord. *“panDanDru paTTinam kAppE”* (2)

445: vayiRRil thozhuvaip piriththu* vanpulach chEvaiyadhakki*

kayiRRum akkaaNi kazhiththuk* kaalidai paasam kazhaRRi*

eyiRRidai maN_koNda endhai* iraappahal Odhuviththu* ennaip-

payiRRi paNi seyyak koNdaan* paNdanRu pattinam kaappE. 3.

445. Oh Disease! Lord tirumAl, my father, who levered the world and protected it on His tusk as varAha has evicted me from the dark dungeon (womb)(I.e. the cycle of births), restrained my senses, freed me from the clutches of the nerves and bones and relieved me of my sensual pleasures between the thighs. Making me realise the value of the perpetual servitude nature of the soul to the Lord day in and out, He has thoroughly captivated me in doing the Nithya kainkaryam ( serving him daily)for Him. Hence my previous status doesn’t exist anymore, rather protected by the Lord. *“panDanDru paTTinam kAppE”* (3)

446: maNGgiya valvinai n^OyhaaL!* umakkum Orvalvinai kaNdeer*

iNGgup puhEnmin puhEnmin* eLidhanRu kaNdeer puhEnmin*

singappiraan avan emmaan* sErum thirukkOyil kaNdeer*

paNGgappadaadhu uyyappOmin* paNdanRu pattinam kaappE. 4.

446. Oh Disease! That has caught up because of the vices, realise that even you may suffer due to your vices. So beware. Stay away and do not enter my body.  My Lord, who took the form of Nrisimha (SingapirAn) has made my body and soul, His eternal dwelling place. Hence protect yourself and runaway from the suffering you may endure. My previous status doesn’t exist anymore, rather protected by the Lord. *“panDanDru paTTinam kAppE”* (4)

447: maaNi kuRaLuruvaaya* maayanai en manaththuLLE*

pENik koNarndhu puhudhavaiththuk koNdEn* piRidhinRi*

maaNikkap paNdaaram kaNdeer* valivan kuRumbarkaL LLeer!*

paaNikka vENdaa nadamin* paNdanRu pattinam kaappE. 5.

447. Oh Disease! Without any separation, I have firmly fixed the wonderful precious gem like Lord tirumAl possessing various kalyaNa gunAs who took the dwarfish vamanAvatAr in my heart, as He came willingly to reside here. Oh trouble shooting senses! If you wish to safeguard yourself, without any delay flee away. My previous status doesn’t exist anymore, rather protected by the Lord. *“panDanDru paTTinam kAppE”* (5)

448: uRRavuRu piNi n^OyhaaL!* umakku onRu sollukEn kENmin*

peRRaNGgaL mEykkum piraanaar* pENum thirukkOyil kaNdeer*

aRRamuraikkinREn* innam aazhvinaikaaL!* umakku_iNGgu_Or-

paRRillai kaNdeer n^adamin* paNdanRu pattinam kaappE. 6

448. Oh troubleshooting disease!  Listen to the one thing that I am going to tell you! See for yourself, how the Lord who grazed the cattle has taken this body as His temple of residence. All the vices that trouble me, I am firmly telling you, there is no place for you all here. So leave and go. My previous status doesn’t exist anymore, rather protected by the Lord. *“panDanDru paTTinam kAppE”* (6)

449: koNGgai siRuvarai ennum* podhumbinil veezhndhu vazhukki*

angOr muzhaiyinil pukkittu* azhundhi kidandhu uzhalvEnai*

vaNGgakkadal vaNNan ammaan* valvinai aayina maaRRi*

paNGgappadaa vaNNam seydhaan* paNdanRu pattinam kaappE. 7.

449. Oh Disease! Celebrating the bosoms and the dark crevasse I slipped and got submerged in the lustrous hell, that leads to the cycle of birth and death. Now my lord has pulled me out of this suffering and saved me. As Lord TirumAl who is hued like the ocean where ships float, has saved me, I am well protected. My previous status doesn’t exist anymore, rather protected by the Lord. *“panDanDru paTTinam kAppE”* (7)

450: EdhangaL aayinavellaam* iRaNGgaliduviththu* ennuLLE-

peedhaha aadaip piraanaar* birama guruvaahi vandhu*

pOdhil kamala vanneNYjam* pukundhum en_senniththidaril*

paadha ilachchinai vaiththaar* paNdanRu pattinam kaappE. 8.

450. Oh Disease! Lord tirumAl wearing His pitAmbaram ( fine silk cloth ) has entered the lotus seat of knowledge inside my heart as a knowledge imparting guru and removing my false impression about the the AtmA has instilled the truth in me. ( Truth such as, the relationship between the soul and the Lord, the faith that, He is the protector and true bhakti is the only means to attain Him). Further I have been protected by the Lord who has placed the impression of His feet on my forehead. ( The symbol worn by srivaishNavas - ThirumaN ). Hence my previous status doesn’t exist anymore, rather protected by the Lord. *“panDanDru paTTinam kAppE”* (8)


451:##uRahal uRahal uRahal* oN sudar aazhiyE! shankE!*

aRaveRi n^aandhaha vaaLE!* azhakiya saarngamE! thaNdE!*

iRavupadaamal irundha* eNmar ulOhapaaleer_kaaL!*

paRavaiyaraiyaa! uRahal* paLLiyaRaik kuRikkoNmin. (2) 9.

451. Be wakeful! Be vigilant! Don’t Sleep! Don’t sleep! Don’t sleep! (uragal, uragal uragal). Oh! resplendent chakra!, shankha ! the fierce full nandaka sword! the beautiful sArnga bow!, the kaumodaki gadha! The (eight) Ashta dik pAlakas,who stand guard from destruction! King of birds GaruDa! All of you, Be alert! Please be watchful of my body that has become the home of my Lord, where he sleeps. (9)


452: aravaththu amaLiyinOdum* azhahiya paaRkadalOdum*

aravindha paavaiyumthaanum* ahampadi vandhu puhundhu*

paravai thiraipalamOdha* paLLi koLhinRa piraanai*

paravuhinRaan vishNu chiththan* pattinam kaavaR poruttE. (2) (10)

452. Feeling elated, that Lord tirumAl has entered his mind and body along with His snake bed AdiseSha on the wavy milky ocean (pArKaDal), together with Goddess Periya PiraaTTi seated on the Lotus flower and all His devotees, (nithyasoories) periAzhvAr sings in praise through the above verses to protect the body.May the Lord who guards periAzhvAr, protect us too. (10)


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