Pasurams … 463 TO 473

senni Ongu

This falls as the concluding decade of 

Periyazhwar Tirumozhi. Talking about ThirumAlirumchOlai hill, azhvAr is reminded of TiruvEnkatam. As a mark of accepting AzhvAr’s surrender (prapatti), Lord of Tirumala wishes to show Himself to AzhvAr and he in turn is overjoyed about emperumAn’s acceptance to reside in his heart.


senniyOngu* thaN thiruvEnkatam udaiyaay!* ulahu- 

thannai vaazha n^inRa n^ambee!* dhaamOdharaa! sadhiraa!* 

ennaiyum en udaimaiyaiyum* un sakkarap poRiyoRRik koNdu* 

ninnaruLE purindhirundhEn* ini en thirukkuRippE? (2) 1.

463. Oh! Lord of the magnificent cool hills of TiruvEnkatam (tiruvENkatamudayA)! In order to uplift and protect all the chetanAs, You are graciously standing tall  revealing Your divine feet and exhibiting all kalyANa gunAs! Oh! DAmodara!, Oh! Lord who has the generous quality of being negligent towards Your devotees mistakes! 

I have tattooed Your divine emblems of shankam and chakram  on this body where my soul resides. I stand before thee seeking Your grace. I wonder what Your sankalpam would be!


paRavai ERu parampurudaa!* nee ennaik kaikkoNdapin* 

piRavi ennum kadalum vaRRi* perumpadham aahinRadhaal* 

iRavu seyyum paavakkaadu* theekkoLee i vEhinRadhaal* 

aRivai ennum amudhavaaRu* thalaippaRRi vaayk koNdadhE. 2.

464.  Oh!,The ultimate Lord, who boards on the Garuda bird as your vehicle, after You have taken charge of this destitute self, the samsAric ocean of my cycle of birth has dried up and has elevated to greater heights. The forest of sins that had encircled my Athma (soul) has been burnt as a result of Your Daya. The river of knowledge (gnyAnam) flows like nectar to the brim and goes beyond, leaving me enthralled by Your grace.(2)


emmanaa! en_kula dheyvamE!* ennudai n^aayahanE!* 

ninnuLEnaay peRRa n^anmai* ivvulahinil aar peRuvaar?* 

namman pOlE veezhththamukkum* naattiluLLa paavam ellaam* 

summenaathE kaivittOdith* thooRuhaL paayndhanavE. 3.

465. Oh! Lord, who governs me as a king and is the great protector and Lord of our tribe!, who else on this earth can receive Your grace that I have been blessed with? As a result the worldly sins that suppress me down have gone away without any mark and have hidden themselves behind the bushes. (3)


kadal kadaindhu amudham koNdu* kalasaththai n^iRaiththaaR pOl* 

udaluruhi vaaythiRandhu* maduththu unnai n^iRaiththuk koNdEn* 

kodumai seyyum kooRRamum* en kOlaadi kuRuhappeRaa* 

thadavaraiththOL chakkarapaaNee!* saarNGgaviR sEvakanE! 4.

466. Oh! ChakrapAni!, (the holder of chakra)who adorns the divine chakra on your magnificent shoulders!! Oh king who is the possessor of sArnga bow! Similar to filling a pot with nectar churned out of the milky ocean, I have filled my heart, with the immeasurable nectar of Your love and grace that I received in both my hands, singing Your praise with a melted heart. Now even the tyrant YamA will not come near me.(4)


ponnaik koNdu uraihal meedhE* niRamezha uraiththaaR pOl* 

unnaik koNdu en n^aavakampaal* maaRRinRi uraiththuk koNdEn* 

unnaik koNdu ennuL vaiththEn* ennaiyum unnilittEn* 

ennappaa! en irudeekEsaa!* ennuyirk kaavalanE! 5.

467. Oh!, my father, who governs my senses (HrishikeshA), Oh! Protector of my soul to be ever focused on You. Similar to rubbing the gold against the touchstone to check its purity, I placed You in my heart by chanting Your names with my tongue. With Your consent I placed You in my heart for repeated listening and chanting. In addition, I have surrendered my whole self including my soul as a tribute at Your Lotus feet. (5)


unnudaiya vikkiramam* onRozhiyaamal ellaam* 

ennudaiya n^eNYjahampaal* suvar vazhi ezhudhik koNdEn* 

mannadaNGga mazhuvalaNGgaik koNda* iraama n^ambee!* 

ennidai vandhu emberumaan!* ini engup pOhinRadhE? 6.

468. Oh! Lord rAma(ParasurAma) with supreme qualities, who handled the axe to ruin the arrogant kshatriya clan!, I have, with great brilliance inscribed in my heart, all Your divine deeds *( unnudaiya vikkiramam)* not leaving any, similar to a carving on the wall. Oh! Lord my master (emperumAn!), now that You dwell in my heart, how is that you can leave me and go? That becomes impossible as I will also be travelling with You, wherever you go.(6)


paruppadhaththu kayal poRiththa* paaNdiyar kulapathi pOl* 

thirup polindha sEvadi* en senniyinmEl poRiththaay* 

marupposiththaay! malladarththaay!* enRenRu unvaasakamE* 

uruppolindha n^aavinEnai* unakku uriththaakkinaiyE. 7.

469. Oh! Lord, You have imprinted the mark of Your divine reddish Lotus feet on my head, similar to the way the pAndya king (Malayadhwajan) , engraved his fish sign flag on the highest mountain after his victory over a province. Oh! Lord, who has shown the great deeds of pulling the tusk of the kuvalayApeetam elephant and finishing the strong wrestlers, You have given me the highest privilege of being Your perpetual servant *(unakku uRithAkkinAyE) *, by chanting with my tongue and making a mark on it with all Your valorous names. (7)


anandhan paalum garudan paalum* aidhu n^oydhaaha vaiththu* en- 

manandhanuLLE vandhuvaihi* vaazhachcheydhaay embiraan!* 

ninaindhu ennuLLE n^inRu n^ekkuk* kaNgaL asumpozhuha* 

ninaindhirundhE siramam theerndhEn* nEmi n^ediyavanE! 8.

470. Oh! all powerful Lord, wielding the divine chakra! Entering my heart and expecting nothing in return You showered Your love and grace, such that Your love for ananthAzhwAn and GarudAzhvAn, who eternally reside with You becomes diminished. Thinking of this grace and Your presence always with me, my heart melts and eyes are filled with tears of delight. I stand relieved of all my worries. (8)


panik kadalil paLLikOLai* pazhaka vittu* Odi vandhu en- 

manak kadalil vaazha valla* maaya maNaaLa n^ambee!* 

thanik kadalE! thanichchudarE!* thaniyulahE enRenRu* 

unakkidamaayirukka* ennai unakku uriththaakkinaiyE. 9.

471. Oh! Consort of Periya PiraaTTi , embodiment of great qualities,  leaving behind the cooI tiruppArkaDal (milky ocean) where you reside, you have graced to enter the ocean of my heart. I feel greatly indebted thinking of your grace. Amidst all your priceless possessions like the incomparable tirpparkadal, the resplendent surya mandala, the one and only paramapadam, You have made me your most valuable possession. That is extent of your compassion. (9)


thadavarai vaay miLirndhu minnum* thavaLa n^eduNGgodi pOl* 

sudaroLiyaay n^eNYchinuLLE* thOnRum en jOdhi n^ambi!* 

vadathadamum vaikuntamum* madhiL thuvaraa pathiyum* 

idavahaikaL ihazhndhittu* enpaal idavahai koNdanaiyE. (2) 10.

472. Oh! Lord, You stay in the lotus pedestal of my heart, gleaming as the most scintillating flame, similar to a shining flag that flutters atop a wide tall mountain which catches the attention of everyone. Setting aside Your preferred abodes like the ThiruppArkadal, Srivaikundam and the fortified DwAraka of the north, You preferred to show Your affection by residing in my heart. How astounding is Your grace towards me!!? (10)


vEyar thangaL kulaththudhiththa* vishNu chiththan manaththE* 

kOyil koNda kOvalanai* kozhuNGguLir muhil vaNNanai* 

aayarERRai amarar kOvai* andhaNartham amudhaththinai* 

saayaipOla paada vallaar* thaamum aNukkar_kaLE. (2) 11.

473. The Lord of the cowherds, entered and lodged Himself in the heart of viTTuchithan also known as periAzhvAr of the priestly clan (vEyar kulam). Enlightened by His presence periAzhvAr tells us that, those who engage themselves in singing the praise of this cool cloud hued lord who is the head of the yAdavAs ( Ayar Etrai ), Swami of the Nithyasoories and the sweet nectar to the great rishis ( sanagAthi munis ) worshipped as TirumAl, will surely be attached to Him like the shadow and be doing all the services to Him. (11)

AzhvAr Thiruvadigale Sharanam 


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