*PASURAMS 423 TO 432*


AzhvAr put forth his request to Lord Sri Ranganatha in advance, while being sound in mind and body, to safe guard him at the time of death.

423:## thuppudaiyaarai adaivadhellaam* sOrvidaththu thuNaiyaavar enRE*

oppilEn aahilum n^innadaindhEn* aanaikku n^ee aruL seydhamaiyaal*

eyppu ennai vandhu n^aliyum pOdhu*angu Edhum n^aanunnai n^inaikka maattEn*

appOdhaikku ippOdhE solli vaiththEn*arangaththu aravaNaip paLLiyaanE! (2) 1.

423. Oh Lord! resting on AdisheSha at Srirangam, You are stationed here to protect those who have surrendered at your feet. My organs have become weak and tired and hardly cooperate with me. At this stage, I rely on you and have surrendered to you. Although I am unworthy, I plead you to protect me as you did to elephant Gajendra. In the last stages of my life, when I become disoriented due to failure of my sense organs, I may not be in a position to even think about you. So I am making this request well in advance. (1)

424: saamidaththu ennai kuRikkoL kaNdaay*shankodu chakkaram EndhinaanE!*

naamadiththu ennai anEha thaNdam*seyvadhaa n^iRpar n^aman thamarhaL*

pOmidaththu un thiRaththu eththanaiyum* puhaa vaNNam n^iRpadhOr maayai vallai*

aamidaththE unnai solli vaiththEn*arangaththu aravaNai paLLiyaanE! 2.

424. Oh Lord! resting on AdisheSha at Srirangam holding the shankh and chakra, please think of me when death approaches me . The associates of Yama (naman tamargal)  in a bit of rage will be determined to punish me with folded tongue for my bad deeds. While going with them you are capable of hiding yourself in the pretext of mAyA not letting me to remember your names. Hence, when I am safe and sound in health, I utter your many names now itself well in advance for that later date. (2)

425: ellaiyil vaasal kuRukach chenRaal* eRRi n^aman thamar paRRum pOdhu

nillumin ennum ubaayamillai* nEmiyum shankamum EndhinaanE!

sollalaam pOdhE un n^aamam ellaam* sollinEn ennaik kuRikkoNdu enRum

allal padaavaNNam kaakka vENdum* arangaththu aravaNaip paLLiyaanE! 3.

425. Oh Lord! resting on AdisheSha at Srirangam, bearing the shankh and chakra! There is no way that I can relieve myself from the clutches of the messengers of Yama, who will be holding me, when I reach yamaloka after my lifetime. Hence, let me keep chanting your names when I am fully hale and healthy now. I plead, you protect me so as, not to suffer in their hands. (3)

426: oRRai vidaiyanum n^aanmuhanum* unnai aRiyaap perumaiyOnE!

muRRa ulahellaam n^eeyEyaaki* moonRezhuththaaya mudhalvanEyO!

aRRadhu vaaNaaL ivaRku enReNNi*aNYcha n^aman_thamar paRRaluRRa

aRRaikku, nee_ennaik kaakka vENdum* arangaththu aravaNaip paLLiyaanE! 4.

426. Oh Lord! resting on AdiseSha at Srirangam, even Lord Shiva who rides the bull and Lord Brahma couldn’t perceive the extent of your eminence. You are the primal cause of the universe and the manifestation of the three lettered praNava mantra.  You have to protect me when the messengers of Yama come to take me saying “his life time is over”. (4)

427: paiyaravin aNai paaRkadaluL*paLLi koLhinRa parama moorththi!

uyya ulahu padaikka vENdi*undhiyil thORRinaay n^aanmuhanai

vaiya manisaraip poyyenRu eNNi* kaalanaiyum udanE padaiththaay

aiya! ini ennaik kaakka vENdum*arangaththu aravaNaip paLLiyaanE! 5.

427. Oh Lord! resting on AdiseSha at Srirangam, please protect me from the messengers of Yama. Oh Parama moorti, (The ultimate master)!  Who reclines on the snake bed in tiruppArkadal, You made Brahma appear on the lotus flower from your navel to create the world, for the jeevAtmas to get emancipated and at the same time  created Yama (time) to realise that the life on earth is pseudo and not permanent. Henceforth please guard me. (5)

428: thaNNenavillai n^amanthamarhaL* saala kodumaikaL seyyaa n^iRpar

maNNodu n^eerum eriyum kaalum* maRRum aakaasamumaaki n^inRaay!

eNNalaam pOdhE unn^aamam ellaam* eNNinEn, ennaik kuRikkoNdu enRum

aNNalE! nee ennaik kaakka vENdum* arangaththu aravaNaip paLLiyaanE! 6.

428. Oh Lord! resting on AdiseSha at Srirangam, being the earth, water, fire, air and space(panchabhootas) yourself, you govern them too. At present I chant your names considering them as the mantras for my protection and alleviation.But will I be able to think and call your names when the agents of Yama mercilessly show their cruelty during my last hour? Hence I plead, You protect me, always having an eye on me. (6)

429: senchol maRaip poruLaahi n^inRa* dhEvarhaL n^aayakanE! emmaanE!

eNYchalil ennudai innamudhE!* Ezhulahum udaiyaay! ennappaa!

vaNYcha uruvin n^amanthamarhaL* valindhu n^alindhu ennaip paRRum pOdhu

aNYchalam enRu ennaik kaakka vENdum* arangaththu aravaNaip paLLiyaanE! 7.

429. Oh Lord! resting on AdiseSha at Srirangam, You are the essence of the religious vEdic texts! Oh! Lord the head of the nithyasoories ! The sweet nectar, who possess the seven worlds! My father, when the invisible messengers of Yama take me captive forcibly at the time of my death, I plead You to console me saying, “Fear not”, and be near me. (7)

430: naan_Edhum unmaayam onRaRiyEn* naman thamar paRRi n^alindhittu indha

oonE pukEyenRu mOdhum pOdhu* angEdhum naan unnai n^inaikka maattEn

vaanEy vaanavar thangaL eesaa!* madhurai piRandha maamaayanE!*en-

aanaay! nee ennaik kaakka vENdum* arangaththu aravaNaip paLLiyaanE! 8.

430. Oh Lord! resting on AdiseSha at Srirangam, I know not anything about your all magical misapprehensions (mAyA). When the Yama dhootAs force and beat me to enter into the sookshma shareeram for undergoing the turmoils in naraga lokam, I will not be remembering you. Oh Lord of the eternal world born in Mathura!The Lord of the celestials! Oh! Lord who is so kind towards me, please protect and save me! (8)

431: kunReduththu aan^irai kaaththa aayaa!* kOn^irai mEyththavanE! emmaanE!*

anRu mudhal inRaRudhiyaa* aadhiyanchOdhi maRandhaRiyEn*

nanRum kodiya n^amanthamarhaL* nalindhu valindhu ennaip paRRum pOdhu*

anRangu n^ee ennaik kaakka vENdum* arangaththu aravaNaip paLLiyaanE! 9.

431. Oh Lord! resting on AdiseSha at Srirangam, as a cowherd boy You lifted the Govardhana hill to protect the cowherds. Oh ! Primal lord, our master! From then on till this day, I have hardly forgotten your beautiful and radiant form. When the treacherous servants of Yama show their cruelty to me, you should come and protect me. (9)

Phala Sruthi 

432: maayavanai madhusoodhananai* maadhavanai maRaiyOrhaL Eththum*

aayarhaL ERRinai achchudhanai* arangaththu aravaNaip paLLiyaanai*

vEyar puhazh villipuththoorman* vishNu chiththan sonna maalai paththum*

thooya manaththanaraahi vallaar* thoomaNi vaNNanukku aaLar thaamE. (2)

432. The lord resting on AdiseSha at Srirangam, who is the wonderful head of the cowherd clan and the consort of mahAlakshmi, hailed as Achyuta! Madhusoodana! MAdhava! by the vedic seers, was praised by the famed Vishnuchittah of villiputtur. Those who sing these 10 pAsurams with a pure heart will become true servants of the pure gem, Lord Shri RanganAtha. (10)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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