PASURAMS 381 - 390

4.6  - KAASUM

In the order of Vedas describing Pralayam (cosmic dissolution) first and then the creation (Srushti), Azhwar elaborates death first and now the birth.

381. kAsum kaRaiyuDai kooRaikkum* angOr kaRRaikkum-

AsaiyinAl* anNGavattap pEriDum* AdargAL!-

kEsavan pEriTTu* neengaL tEnittiruminO*

nAyagan nAraNan* tam annai naragam pugAL. (2)(1)

381. Oh Sthrees!!, who name your children after few chethanAs and achethanAa , Desirous of getting money, Jari bordered silk saree,  and a tuft of paddy, !! Rejoice naming your children after KESHAVAN'S . The mother of children whose names are after SarvEshwaran NARAYANAN, will nerver ever enter hell. (1)

382: aNGgoru kooRai* araikkuduppadhan aasaiyaal*

maNGgiya maanida saadhiyin* pEridum aadharhaaL!*

seNGgaN nedumaal!* sireedharaa! enRu_azhaiththakkaal*

naNGgaihaaL! naaraNan* tham annai n^araham puhaaL. 2.

382. Oh Sthrees!!,who, Desirous of getting a piece of cloth around your waist, name your children after the human beings who perish.  Oh Ladies!, if you call your children in the name of SRIDHARA, the name of the Red Lotus eyed Krishna the form of Vishnu, the mother of those children will not enter hell thereafter.(2)

383: uchchiyil_eNNeyum* suttiyum vaLaiyum uhandhu*

echcham polindheerhaaL!* en seyvaan piRar pEritteer?*

pichchai pukkaahilum* embiraan thiru n^aamamE-

nachchumin* naaraNan* tham annai n^araham puhaaL. 3.

383. Oh those who are blessed with the wealth of children!!, Desirous of the oil to be smeared on the  forehead, gemstone to adorn the forehead and some bangles ,why do you name your children with human names? Even if you have to beg for your living, when you name your children with His Divine names, the mother of the children with the name of Sriman NARAYANA, will never enter into the hell. (3)

384: maanida saadhiyil thOnRiRRu* Or maanida saadhiyai*

maanida saadhiyin pErittaal* maRumaikkillai*

vaanudai maadhavaa!* gOvindhaa! enRu_azhaiththakkaal*

naanudai n^aaraNan* tham annai n^araham puhaaL. 4.

384. By virtue of karma , if you give the human names for those who are born as humans, it will not lead you to the path of Moksha. If You give the names of our Paramapadha nAthan and call with the names of MADHAVA!! and GOVINDA!!, the mother  of the children who have the name of Narayana will never ever enter the hell. (4)

385: malamudai ooththaiyil thOnRiRRu* Or mala ooththaiyai*

malamudai ooththaiyin pErittaal* maRumaikkillai*

kulamudai gOvindhaa!* gOvindhaa! enRu azhaiththakkaal*

nalamudai n^aaraNan* tham annai n^araham puhaaL. 5.

385. For the one who is full of flesh and born out of flesh through excretory organs  and named after the same imperfect reservoir like you, there is no ways and means to attain Moksha. Instead if you name your child and call  ''GOVINDHA, GOVINDHA'', the one who has all greatness, the mother of the child who has the name will never ever enter the hell. (5)

386: naadum n^aharum_aRiya* maanida pErittu*

koodiyazhuNGgi* kuzhiyil veezhndhu vazhukkadhE*

saadiRap paayndha thalaivaa!* dhaamOdharaa! enRu-

naadumin* naaraNan_* tham annai n^araham puhaaL. 6.

386.To get a popular name from the locals of the country and the scholars of the cities, do not name your children with the common human names and become subordinate,and fall prey in the ditches. instead,desire to call them as DHAMODHARAA!! The one who destroyed SakatAsurA. The mother of the children who have the name of Narayana will never enter the hell.(6)

387: maNNil piRandhu maNNaahum* maanidap pErittu* aNGgu-

eNNam onReNNi irukkum* Ezhai manisarhaaL!*

kaNNukkiniya* karu muhil vaNNan n^aamamE-

naNNumin* naaraNan_* tham annai n^araham puhaaL. 7.

387. Oh ignorant humans!,bearing the names of the humans who are born out of this earth and die into the same, who are not concerned and worried about your upliftment , come out to call with the names of ''THIRUMAL'',who is like the dark rainly clouds which is a feast for the eyes. The mother of the child who has the names of NArAyanA, will never enter the hell. (7)

388: nambi bimbiyenRu* naattu maanidap pErittaal*

nambum pimbum ellaam* naalu n^aaLil azhuNGgip pOm*

sem perundhaamaraik kaNNan* pErittu azhaiththakkaal*

nambihaaL! naaraNan* tham annai n^araham puhaaL. 8.

388. If you name your children with the ordinary being's name like 'Nambi', and 'Pimbi', the charm might vanish in few days. Oh trustworthy ones, please name your children after the most beautiful red Lotus eyed Lord "THIRUMAL". The mother of the chlid named after Lord Narayana will never ever enter the hell. (8)

389: ooththaik kuzhiyil* amudham paayvadhu pOl* uNGgaL-

mooththirap piLLaiyai* en muhil vaNNan pErittu*

kOththuk kuzhaiththu* guNaalam aadith thiriminO*

naaththahu n^aaraNan* tham annai n^araham puhaaL. 9.

389. Like the sweet nectar that springs out from a rotton ditch, give your child who is the embodiment of the dirt and all excretory waste , the names of "LORD THIRUMAL". Giving the dark cloud coloured Emperuman's name and while calling, you can dance and rejoice with a divine feeling . The mother of the children who have the name of the Lord NArAyanA,which is even good to the tongue, will never ever enter the hell. (9)


390:## seeraNimaal* thiru n^aamamE idaththERRiya*

veeraNi tholpuhazh* vishNu chiththan viriththa*

OraNi oN thamizh* onbadhOdu onRum vallavar*

pEraNi vaikuntaththu* enRum pENi irupparE. (2)

390. The most valorous Sri Vishnuchitthar, who has won over the worldly pleasures, describing elaborately the glories of divine names  of EmperunAn, advises to name our children after His divine names. Those who chant these beautiful  ten verses in Tamizh will live in Paramapadham forever blissfully. (10)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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