Pasuram 182- 191

Yashodha calls Kanna to deck him with flowers 

182: aanirai mEykka n^eepOdhi* arumarundhu aavadhaRiyaay*

kaanakam ellaam thirindhu* un kariya thirumEni vaada*

paanaiyil paalai paruhi* paRRaadhaar ellaam sirippa*

thEnil iniyapiraanE!* seNbaha poochchootta vaaraay. (2) 1.

182. Oh Kanna! Sweeter than honey, taking the cowherds for grazing, you wander in the woods loosing lustre of your already dark divine tirumeni. People who dislike and hate you, laugh and complain as you steal and drink the milk from the pots. So please come to me and adorn yourself with champa flowers. (1)

183: karuvudai mEhaNGgaL kaNdaal* unnai kaNdaal okkum kaNgaL*

uruvudaiyaay! ulahEzhum* uNdaaha vandhu piRandhaay!*

thiruvudaiyaaL maNavaaLaa!* thiruvaraNGgaththE kidandhaay!*

maruvi maNam kamazhhinRa* mallikai poochchootta vaaraay. 2.

183. Looking at the dark clouds resemble looking at you with beautiful eyes. You took birth for all the seven worlds to prosper. Oh! The Beloved of Mahalakshmi, reclining in Thiruvarangam, please come to adorn with the fragrant Jasmine flowers. (2)

184: machchodu maaLihai ERi* maadharhaL thammidam pukku*

kachchodu pattai kizhiththu* kaampu dhuhilavai keeRi*

nichchalum theemaihaL seyvaay!* neeL thiruvENGkadaththu endhaay!*

pachchai thamanahaththOdu* paadhiri poochchootta vaaraay. 3.

184. Oh Lord! My master, you barge into the dwelling place of the girls and tear their clothes giving them so much trouble. Oh Krishna residing in TiruvEnkatam please dobcome and adorn yourself with fresh padhiri flowers and maru. (3)

185: theruvinkaN n^inRu iLa aaychchimaarkaLai* theemai seyyaadhE*

maruvum thamanakamum seer* maalai maNam kamazhhinRa*

puruvam karuNGkuzhal n^eRRi* polindha muhiRkanRu pOlE*

uruvam azhahiya n^ambee!* uhandhivai sootta n^ee vaaraay. 4.

185. Oh charming boy, with a beautiful forehead and curly hair locks falling in between you looking like a young calf! Do not harm the young AyarpAdi girls standing on the streets. Please come willingly and  wear maru and the scented marukozhundhu. (4)

186: puLLinai vaay piLandhittaay!* porukariyin kombosiththaay!*

kaLLavarakkiyai mookkodu* kaavalanai thalai koNdaay!*

aLLi n^ee veNNey vizhuNGga* aNYjaadhu adiyEn adiththEn*

theLLiya n^eeril ezhundha* seNGgazhu n^eer sootta vaaraay. 5.

186. You tore apart the beak of demon bird BakAsurA, broke the tusks of KuvalayApEtam elephant.  Chopping off the nose of Surpanaka you even deceased RAvanA by cutting off his head. When you gobbled up the butter, I whacked you with no fear. Forgiving me please come and wear the red lilies bloomed in the clear fresh water . (5)

187: erudhuhaLOdu porudhi* Edhum ulObaaykaaN n^ambi!*

karudhiya theemaihaL seydhu* kaNYjanai kaal kodu paayndhaay!*

theruvinkaN theemaihaL seydhu* sikkena mallarhaLOdu*

porudhu varuhinRa ponnE!* punnai poochchootta vaaraay. 6.

187. You fought the mighty seven bulls forgoing your life to marry Nappinnai. You killed Kamsa, who always had evil plans. Gaining attention with your heroic deeds, You even killed the wrestlers. My precious  Gold! Come and wear these punnai flowers. (6)

188: kudaNGgaL eduththERavittu* kooththaada valla em kOvE!*

madaNGgoL madhi muhaththaarai* maal seyya valla en maindhaa!*

idandhittu iraNiyan n^eNYjai* irupiLavaaha mun keeNdaay!*

kudandhai kidandha em kOvE!* kurukkaththi poochchootta vaaraay. 7.

188. Oh! Our master, you are proficient in deftly throwing the pots and dance the kuravaikoothu. Oh! my son you are efficient in making the girls whose face glow like the full moon go mad with their love for you. You split Hiranyakashipu's chest into two. My king...who reclines in Thirukudandahai, come and wear madhavi  (kurukkathi) flowers. (7)

189: seemaalikan avanOdu* thOzhamai koLLavum vallaay!*

saamaaRu avanai n^ee eNNi* chakkaraththaal thalaikkoNdaay!*

aamaaRaRiyum piraanE!* aNi araNGgaththE kidandhaay!*

EmaaRRam ennai thavirththaay!* iruvaatchi poochchootta vaaraay. 8.

189. You befriended the Asuran SeemAligan, and beheaded him with your Sri Chakra. You, the omniscient,  You, who resides in Thiruvarangam,don't disappoint me. Come and adorn yourself with Iruvatchi flowers.( a variety of jasmine) (8)

190: aNdaththamararkaL soozha* aththaaNiyuL aNGgirundhaay!*

thoNdarkaL n^eNYjil uRaivaay!* thoomalaraaL maNavaaLaa!*

uNdittu ulahinai Ezhum* Oraalilaiyil thuyil koNdaay!*

kaNdu n^aan unnai uhakka* karumuhai poochchootta vaaraay. 9.

190. Surrounded by the Devas, you dwell in Paramapadam.  But you also dwell in the hearts of your devotees. Oh! The Beloved of Mahalakshmi! You swallowed the seven worlds and slept on the banyan leaf! Do come and wear these  manoranjitham (karumugai) flowers., so I can see and delight in you! (9)


191: seNbaha mallihaiyOdu* seNGgazhun^eer iruvaatchi*

eNpahar poovum koNarndhEn* inRu ivai sootta vaavenRu*

maNpahar koNdaanai* aaychchi mahizhndhurai seydha immaalai*

paNpahar villipuththoor kOn* pattar piraan sonna paththE. (2) 10. 

This decad, sung by Battarpiran, of Villiputhur, talks of how YashOdA happily calls on the Lord who received his own wealth (bhoomi) as a gift from the king MahAbali, to deck Him with Champa, Jasmine,  Lillies and eight different type of flowers. (10)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale sharanam.


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