PeriyAzhwAr Tirumozhi 2. 8

PASURAMS----192 TO 201

KAppu means “casting off or removing evil eye”

YashodA calls KaNNan to ward off the evil eyes on the beautiful KaNNan. 

192: indhiranOdu biraman* eesan imaiyavar ellaam*

mandhira maamalar koNdu* maRaindhu uvaraay vandhu n^inRaar*

chandhiran maaLihai sErum* sadhirarkaL veLLaRai n^inRaay*

andhiyam pOdhu idhuvaakum* azhahanE! kaappida vaaraay. (2) 1.

192.  Indra, Brahma,Shiva and all other gods have descended and come to praise you with mantras holding flowers in their hands and are present here invisible to other’s eyes. You have taken TiruveLLarai as your abode where the moon touches the palaces and people sing your praise. Oh! Beautiful one, I will cast off the evil eyes as it is evening time now . KAppiDa vArAy. (1)

193: kanRuhaL illam puhundhu* kadhaRukinRa pasu ellaam*

ninRu ozhindhEn unnaik koovi* nEsamEl onRum ilaadhaay!*

manRil n^illEl andhip pOdhu* madhiL thiru veLLaRai n^inRaay!*

nanRu kaNdaay _en _than_ sollu* naan _unnaik kaappida vaaraay. 2.

193. The cows are crying for their calves to be milked. I am getting tired calling out for you and you don’t seem to be having any concern. Do not stay on the streets where the four roads meet during the dusky time. Oh! Lord who stood in TiruveLLarai with its rampart forts please listen to me and come here . I will protect you from evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy. (2)

194: seppOdhu men mulaiyaar_kaL* siRusORum _illum sidhaiththittu*

appOdhu n^aan urappappOy* adisilum uNdilai _aaLvaay!*

muppOdhum vaanavar Eththum* munivarhaL veLLaRai n^inRaay!

ippOdhu n^aan _onRum seyyEn* embiraan! kaappida vaaraay. 3.

194. You knocked down the sand houses and messed up with play food of the beautiful girls who were playing with sand. I scolded you and you went away without having food. My ruler of the world! Living in TiruveLLarai, where rishis live and gods praise you three times a day. Oh! My beloved child! I will not hurt you. Come, let me save you from evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy. (3)

195: kaNNil maNal kodu thoovik* kaalinaal paayn^dhdhanai enRu_enRu*

eNNarum piLLaikaL vandhittu* ivaraal muRaippadu kinRaar*

kaNNanE! veLLaRai n^inRaay!* kaNdaarOdE theemai seyvaay!

vaNNamE vElaiyadhu oppaay!* vaLLalE! kaappida vaaraay. 4.

195. All the children come and complain that you throw sand on their eyes and kick them with your leg. Oh! KaNNA who stands in TiruveLLarai, don’t you be so naughty. Oh! The ocean coloured generous lord, please come to me, l will ward off the evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy. (4)

196: pallaayiravar _ivvooril* piLLaikaL theemaihaL seyvaar*

ellaam_ un mEl anRi pOhaadhu* embiraan! nee _iNGgE vaaraay*

nallaarkaL veLLaRai n^inRaay!* NYaanachchudarE! un mEni*

sollaara vaazhththi n^inRu Eththi* soppada kaappida vaaraay. 5.

196. There are thousands of naughty children in AyarpAdi. If you mingle with them, you will be blamed for all their mischiefs. Oh! my lord, instead please come to me. Oh! The light of my wisdom! Who stood in TiruveLLarai, where noble people live, I shall praise you and ward you off the evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy. (5)

197: kaNYjan kaRukkoNdu n^inmEl* karun^iRa chemmayirp pEyai*

vaNYjippadhaRku viduththaan* enbadhOr vaarththaiyum uNdu*

maNYju thavazh maNimaada* madhiL thiru veLLaRai n^inRaay!

aNYjuvan n^ee _aNGgu n^iRka* azhahanE! kaappida vaaraay. 6.

197. Oh! Lord, you stands in the divine place TiruveLLarai, scattered with clouds and surrounded by gem studded towers and walls. We have heard the story that due to the anger and hatred towards you, KamsA, sent the dark red haired PutanA to kill you. Therefore I am worried when u stand outside . Come ,O, beautiful child! I will protect you from evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy. (6)

198: kaLLach chakadum marudhum* kalakkazhiya _udhai seydha*

piLLaiyarasE!* nee pEyai pidiththu mulai uNda pinnai*

uLLavaaRu _onRum _aRiyEn* oLi udai veLLaRai n^inRaay!*

paLLi koL pOdhu _idhuvaahum* paramanE! kaappida vaaraay. 7.

198. O! My childPrince! One who killed the evil ShakatAsurA and destroyed the two Arjuna trees to release the sons of KuberA from a curse, after you killed the devil PutanA, things are becoming beyond comprehension for me! One who stays in the flourishing  TiruveLLarai! O, Hightest one! It’s time to go to bed. Let me protect you from all evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy. (7)

199: inbam adhanai _uyarththaay!* imaiyavarkku _enRum_ ariyaay!*

kumba kaLiRatta kOvE!* kodum kaNYjan n^eNYjinil kooRRE!*

sempon madhiL veLLaRaiyaay!* selvaththinaal vaLar _piLLaay!

kamba kabaali kaaN aNGgu* kadidhOdi kaappida vaaraay. 8.

199. Oh! Lord of TiruveLLarai, surrounded by golden walls! You have raised the joy within me. YOU are incomprehensible even by the devAs! You killed the KuvalAyApeetan elephant! you stood as YamA to KamsA . Oh! precious child, the dusk is very scary with the fiery Durga walking around. So please come here, let me protect you from evil eyes. KAppiDa vArAy. (8)

200: irukkodu n^eer saNGgil koNdittu* ezhil maRaiyOr vandhu n^inRaar*

tharukkEl n^ambi! sandhi n^inRu* thaay sollu koLLaay sila n^aaL*

thirukkaappu n^aan _unnai saaththa* thEsudai veLLaRai n^inRaay!*

urukkaattum_ andhi viLakku* inRu oLi koLLa ERRukEn vaaraay. 9.

200. Oh! Lord who stands in the prosperous TiruveLLarai! Please listen to your mother. Great seers skilled in reciting Rig veda have come here , holding conches with water to protect you from evil eyes. Oh! Dear child! do not stand on the crossroads and argue with me. It’s evening now. I will light the lamp and wait to give you divine protection from evil eyes, on your return. KAppiDa vArAy. (9)


201: pOdhamar selvak kozhundhu* puNar _thiru veLLaRaiyaanai*

maadharkkuyarndha _asOdhai* mahan _thannai kaappitta maaRRam*

vEdhap payan_ koLLa valla* vishNu chiththan _sonna maalai*

paadha payan_ koLLa valla* paththaruLLaar vinai pOmE. (2) 10. 

201. YashOdA, the superior among women, protects her son the lord of TiruveLLarai who never isolates himself from the Goddess of wealth seated on the Lotus from evil eyes. 

Vishnuchitha, who is well versed in benefits of Vedas, made YashodA’s words into pasurams. Devotees who internalise the benefits uttered in the latter half of the Pasuram will be relieved of their bad KarmAs. KAppiDa vArAy. (10)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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