
Showing posts from November, 2022


 PERIYAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI* (2-5) PASURAMS 162 - 171 *Kuzhal vArAy akkaakkaay* YashOdha invites  the crow to come and comb Kannan's thick hair 162:pinnai maNaaLanai* pEril kidandhaanai* munnai amarar* mudhal thani viththinai* ennaiyum eNGgaL* kudimuzhudhu aatkoNda* mannanai vandhu kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! maadhavan_than kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! (2) 1. 162. The lord who rules and protect us, is the beloved of Nappinnai  PiraaTTi. He rests  in the divine place called Tirupper Nagar (koviladi, appakuDattAn). He is the head of the Devas. He is the unique source and the  root cause of the whole universe.  Oh crow!  Please Come here to comb mAdhavan’s hair, (kuzhalvArAy,akkAkkAy!) (1) 163:pEyin mulaiyuNda* piLLai_ivanmunnam* maayach chakadum* marudhum_iRuththavan* kaayaa malarvaNNan* kaNNan karuNGkuzhal* thooydhaaha vandhu kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! thoo maNi vaNNan kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! 2. 163. He the one who drank milk from the evil PootanA, destroyed...


 PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi PASURAM_ 152 - 161 2.4- Calling KaNNan for taking bath. YashOdA wants to give KaNNan a bath and make him eat fruits and other eatables before he goes to bed at night , as he keeps playing through the day making himself untidy. 152: veNNeyaLaindha kuNuNGgum* viLaiyaadu puzhudhiyum koNdu*  thiNNena ivviraa unnai* thEyththuk kidakka naan_ottEn*  eNNey puLippazham koNdu* iNGgu eththanai pOdhum irundhEn*  naNNalariya piraanE!* naaraNaa! neeraada vaaraay (2) (1) 152.I would not allow you to go to bed today with your untidy body smelling with the butter all over. I've been waiting for you for a long time with oil and the nut powder. Oh! Lord who is not easily reachable, Narayana! Please come for having bath. (1) 153: kanRuhaL Odachcheviyil* katteRumbu pidiththittaal*  thenRik kedumaahil* veNNey thiratti vizhuNGgumaakaaNban*  ninRa maraamaram saayththaay!* nee piRandha thiruvONam*  inRu nee n^eeraada vENdum* embiraan! OdaathE vaaraay (2...


 PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi  PASURAM- 139- 151 2.3- YasOdhA calls KaNNan for kaadhu kutthal The ear boring ceremony generally takes place after 12 months during the first year birthday. So,  AzhvAr enjoys 12 pAsurams in this Thirumozhi.  139: pOyppaadu udaiya n^in thandhaiyum thaazhththaan*  poruthiRal kaNYchan kadiyan*  kaappaarum illai kadal vaNNaa*  unnaith thaniyE pOy eNGgum thiridhi*  pEyppaal mulai uNda piththanE!*  kEsava n^ambee! unnaik kaadhu kuththa*  aayppaalar peNdukaL ellaarum vandhaar*  adaikkaay thiruththi n^aan vaiththEn. (2) (1) 139.Oh! Lord ,who is bluish like the sea, your father has gone a long way and has still not returned. The valorous Kamsan is very wicked. You keep wandering everywhere. No one is here to safeguard you. Oh! The one who drank the poisonous milk from Peychi, Oh! Kesava with a great heart, all the boys and girls of AaypAdi  are gathered here to see the ear boring ceremony.  I am ready with...


 PERIAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI - 2.2 PASURAM 128- 138 2.2 - CALLING KANNAN TO DRINK MILK 128: aravaNaiyaay! aayarERE!* ammam uNNath thuyilezhaayE*  iravum uNNaathu uRaNGgi n^eepOy* inRumuchchi koNdathaalO*  varavum kaaNEn vayiRasaindhaay* vana mulaihaL sOrndhu paaya*  thiruvudaiya vaaymaduththuth* thiLaiththu udhaiththup paruhidaayE. (2) (1) 128. Oh Lord !,who has "Adhiseshan" as your bed and the head of the Gopas, wake up to come and drink milk. Since yesterday night till mid-noon you are starving. your stomach is totally empty and has become very light. You don't seem to come and eat on your own.Hence with your divine mouth, drink this abundant milk, while kicking my stomach with your divine feet. (1) 129: vaiththa n^eyyum kaayndha paalum* vadithayirum n^aRu veNNeyum*  iththanaiyum peRRaRiyEn* empiraan! nee piRandha pinnai*  eththanaiyum seyyap peRRaay* Edhum seyyEn kadham padaathE*  muththanaiya muRuval seythu* mookkuRiNYchi mulai uNaayE. (2) 129. Our "UpakA...