

AMALANADIPIRAN - 927  - 936 PASURAMS 1 - 10 As a complete essence of bagavat anubhavam (divine experience) and the divine rendezvous of Periya perumAL without any deviation this Prabandam about the lord who resides in the praNavAkAra vimAnam, has its greatness by starting with the aksharam of the pranavAkAram namely akAra, ukAra and makAram, in addition to having within it ‘ashtAksharam’ and ‘dvayam’. Being the resolution of emperumAn to summon the AzhvAr and make him sing is yet another greatness to this Prabandam. At the very moment of seeing the lord, he starts describing his divine feet 927.** amalan Adhi pirAn * aDiyArkku ennai ATpaDuththavimalan *  viNNavar kOn * viraiyAr pozhil vEngkaDavan ** nimalan ninmalan nIdhi vAnavan * nIL madhiL aranggaththu ammAn *  thirukkamala pAdham vandhu * en kaNNin uLLana okkinRadhE  (1) (2) 927.He is the lord, who can eliminate all the doshas of the jeevAthmas and grant them moksham. With the same intention in mind, and bestowin...


*AMALANADIPIRAN TANIYANS* *TANIYAN -1* SANSKRIT TANIYAN BY PERIA NAMBI आपाद चूडं अनुभूय हरिं शयानं मध्यॆकवेर दुहितुर् मुदितान्तरात्मा | अद्रष्टृताम् नयनयॊर् विषयान्तराणाम् यॊ निश्चिकाय मनवै मुनिवाहनं तम् |   ஆபாத சூடம் அனுபூய ஹரிம் ஶயானம் மத்யேகவேர துஹிதுர் முதிதாந்தராத்மா அத்ரஷ்ட்ருதாம் நயனயோர் விஷயாந்தராணாம் யோ நிஶ்சிகாய மனவை முநிவாஹநம் தம் ApAda chUDaM anubhUya hariM shayAnaM madhyEkavera duhitur muditAntarAtmA adraShTRutAm nayanayOr viShayAntarANAm yO nishchikAya manavai munivAhanaM tam. Let me ever ruminate upon that person, who was carried by the muni, known as tiruppANAzhvr, who assimilated and rejoiced through his eyes the beauty of lord tiruvarangan’s tirumeni, who resides in a reclined state amidst river Kaveri from foot to head(pAdAdikesam), and emanated spontaneously with 10 verses, thereby pronouncing not to view any thing else with his eyes and as a result became one with almighty instantly. *TANIYAN – 2* TAMIZH TANIYAN BY TIRUMALAI NAMBI  காட்டவே கண்ட பாத கமலம் ...


*AMALANADIPIRAN*by  *TIRUPPANAZHVAR* This Divya Prabandam called AMALANADIPIRAN, finds its place after ‘Tiruppalliyezhuchi’ as the 8th Prabandam in the first set of thousand songs referred as’MudalAyiram’.  Although this is a short and crisp Prabandam with only 10 verses, the philosophy and the theory embedded is ten folds bigger. Engrossed in the beauty or the soundaryam of Periya perumAL, this AzhvAr also referred as pAN perumAl or munivAhana, potrays the lord from tiruvadi to tirumudi (foot to head).  Yoga sAstra, is said to have 8 limbs. Actually there are 7 and the 8th one being the angAngi. The same can be observed here in this Prabandam too. AzhvAr describes individually emperumAn’s kamalapAdam, undhi(bellybutton), udharabandham(girdle), tiruvAramArbu(chest), kandam(neck), chevvAi(mouth), kaNgal(eyes) and as the angAngi neela mEni(his whole body). Let us also delve in this Prabandam and enjoy lord RANGANATHA and be bestowed with his blessings. Tiru-pAN-AzhvAr, an e...


*TIRUPALLIYEZHUCHCHI 1-5* *PASURAMS 917 TO 921* EmperumAn, with his "niravatika krupa" and sankalpam decided to enlighten AzhvAr from his engulfed sleep of ignorance for ages and through him, make the people of the world realise that the means and goal is none other than EmperumAn himself. Upon gaining the realisation, AzhvAr drew himself closer to EmperumAn  and finding him to be meditating upon (in his yOganidra) how to draw all other jeevAs as well, he initiates to wake him up by singing *tiruppalliyezhuchi* in the similar way, how nammAzhvAr, AndAL and vishvAmitrar did and relish in the beautiful experience. Every pAsuram ends with the phrase(  arangaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE / அரங்கத்தம்மா! பள்ளி எழுந்தருளாயே ). The beauty of the dawn and the early morning scene is vividly portrayed in all these 10 verses.  917.** kadhiravan guNa thisaich sigaram vandhu aNaindhAn * gana iruL aganRadhu kAlai ampozhudhAy * madhu virindhu ozhugina mAmalar ellAm * vAnavar arasargaL ...


*TIRUPALLIYEZHUCHCHI TANIYANS* *TANIYAN - 1* By Shri TirumAlai ANDAn tamEva matvA paravAsudEvam rangEshayam rAjavadarhaNeeyam | prabhOdhikeem yOkRuta sookthimAlAm bhakthAngrirENum bhagavantameeDE ||   I stand saluting TONDARADIPODI AZHVAR  possessing great qualities and abundant wisdom, who has graciously given us the garland of songs attributing to the waking up of lord Sri RanganAtha who is the King of kings, celebrated and worshipped even by King rAma (Chakravarthi tirumahan), reclining on the serpent bed Adhiseshan, personifying him as the paravAsudEvan . *TANIYAN - 2* By Shri tiruvaranga perumAL araiyar. maNDangkuDi yenbar maamaRaiyOr manniyacheerth toNDaraDippoDi tonnagaram vaNDu tiNarttavayal tennaragattammAnai paLLi uNarttum pirAn udhittavoor.  The well revered Vedic scholars agree that, this greatly revered tondaraDipoDi AzhvAr, who engaged himself in waking up Periya Perumal who reclines in tiruvarangam surrounded by fields flocked with swarming bees, is the nat...


*TIRUPALLIEZHUCHI*by  *TONDARADIPODI AZHVAR* THONDARADIPODI AzhvAr has sung 10 verses in this Prabandam called TIRUPALLIEZHUCHI where AzhvAr engages himself in waking up the Lord from his yOganidra. TirupaLliyezhuchi, suits best only to the Lord who is in the reclining state. திருப்பள்ளி ( divine rest/sleep) yezhuchi (wake up). In srivaishnava tradition, these 10 songs of TIRUPALLIEZHUCHI are sung during the daily recitation practice of Pooja called the nithyanusandhanam after pallandu.   Reference of EmperumAn who goes into yOganidra, being woken up by nithyasoories is evident in Rigvedas, that is highlighted by pathanjali munivar.  VedAnta Desika in his great composition pAduka Sahasram, has referred in the 9th section called vaitAlika  paddadi about waking Lord ranganatha. The principal duty of a vaitAlika is to awaken a chief at dawn with music and song. Here tondaraDipoDi AzhvAr assumes the role of a vaitAlika and renders these verses to wake Lord Ranganatha. On...


*TIRUMALAI* 1 - 45 PASURAMS 872 - 917 THE POWER OF HIS HOLY NAME CAN EVADE HELL. 872.kAvalir pulanai vaittu kali tannai kaDakka pAindu nAvaliTTu uzhi taruhinrOm naman tamar talaihaL meedE moovulahu uNDu umizhnda mudalva nin nAmam kaTTra AvalippuDaimai kaNDAi arangamA naharuLAnE || One || 872.Oh primordial Lord!, (arangamA naharuLAnE !) who safeguards all the three worlds at the time of deluge by keeping it in your stomach and later releases it back during creation. Oh Lord! Who abodes in the city of Srirangam. By safeguarding the senses and emerging out of the ill effects of the sins committed as a consequence of the active senses, we have been able to victoriously win over Yama and even walk over the heads of yamakinkaras ascertaining our victory. All this was possible only because of the power of nAma smaraNam and nAma sankeerthanam/ nAmochAraNam. Listening to the utterances of your  name, yama bhattas ran away, getting scared to come closer.(1) nAmam kaTTra Avalippu : ITHEEHYAM...