TIRUCHCHANDAVIRUTTAM 109 to 120 PASURAMS 860 TO 871. 860.SurukkuvArai inriyE SurunginAi Surungiyum perukkuvArai inriyE perukkam eidu peTTriyOi | SerukkuvArhaL teekkuNangaL teertta dEva dEvan enru irukkuvAi munikkaNangaL Etta yAnum EttinEn || (109) 860.You took the dwarfish form of vAmana, by your own will, without the effect of any consequence of action (i.e. not driven by karma)or anyone's persuasion. In the same way, while still in the dwarfish vAmana form, without any outside pressure and nothing to be led by karma, you took the tiruvikrama form and grew gigantically. Oh! Lord of lords, you brought down the arrogance and ego (ahankAra and mamakAra) of kings like mahAbali. Talking about your kalyANa gunAs ( divine attributes), your beautiful form and your wondrous deeds are all not by my own effort. It is all the hearsay from the vEdas and from the holy Vedic sages, that I repeat. (109) 861.tooyanAyum anriyum Surumbu ulAvu taN tuzhAi mAya ninnai nAyinEn vaNangi vAzhttum eedelAm |...