PASURAMS 812 – 823


812.naDanda kAlhaL nondavO naDungu jnAlam EnamAi iDanda mei kulungavO vilangu mAl varai churam |

 kaDanda kAl paranda kAviri karai kuDandaiyuL kiDandavAru ezhundirundu pESu vAzhi kESanE || (61)

812. Oh KesavA! Arise from your reclining state and speak. Did Your divine feet feel the strain and throb as you walked through the forest? (in RAmAvatAr) Did you become weary and tired as you lifted the mother earth when she was trembling with fear taking the form of the wild boar? (VarAham in varAhAvatar) What is the reason for you to lie down on the banks of the river kauveri which flows between the huge mountains and forest in Tirukkudanthai? Instantaneously when the Lord arose to reply, AzhvAr was overwhelmed by His act and started praising Him (vAzhi).

#Even today we can see the Lord in a slightly raised position from His lying state in the Tirukkudanthai temple. This state is referred as UtthAna sayanam.


813.karaNDam ADu poihaiyuL karumbanai perum pazham puraNDu veezha vALai pAi kurunguDi neDundahAi | 

 tiraNDa tOL iraNiyan Sinam koL Aham onraiyum iraNDu kooru Seidu uhanda Singam enbadu unnaiyE || (62)

813.Oh, glorious Lord! You dwell in this scenic place Tirukkurungudi, where tall palm trees stand on the banks of the lake here. Big black palm fruits from the tree fall into the water. The fishes inside the water leap up and down in fear, mistaking it to be the waterbirds that plunge inside to catch them as their prey. You are none other than the Lord NrsimhA who tore the valorous shouldered Hiranyan ever furious on You, apart into two pieces. (62)

#Even today a single palm tree stands proof of this song near the lake karaNdam Adu poigai in Tirukkurungudi as mentioned by Dr.M.A.Venkatakrishnan in his discourse Naalthoorum Naalaayiram.


814.nanru irundu yOga needi naNNuvArhaL SindaiyuL Senrirundu tee vinaihaL teertta dEvadEvanE | 

 kunrirunda mADa neeDu pADahattum oorahattum ninrirundu vekkaNai kiDandadu enna neermaiyE || (63)

814.Oh, chief of all the devas! You reach and stay into the minds and thoughts of the yogis who try to reach You through meditation, performing ashtanga yoga and banish their sins. How do I emanate the warmth and compassion that You show on us by staying in the places with tall towered buildings and mAdams such as pAdagam and Uragam, where You are in a seated position(Amarndha tirukkOlam), and in a standing posture (Nindra tirukkolam) respectively while repose (Sayana tirukkolam) in Tiruvekka? (63)

815.ninradu endai oorahattu irundadu endai pADahattu anru vekkaNai kiDandadu ennilAda munnelAm |

 anru nAn pirandilEn pirandapin marandilEn ninradum irundadum kiDandadum en nenjuLE || (64)

815.EmperumAn took the standing form (as Tiruvikraman) at URAGAM, (Uragam refers to snake. He is in snake form here) Sitting form at PADAGAM (as pAndava doothan). At Tiruvekka took to lying state. All these happened when I was not His devotee. Due to my ignorance I was not born at that time. (AzhvAr refers to this period as, he was not born). Once when I realised that I am His servant, I never opted to forget Him. This EmperumAn, who stands, sits and reclines in such divyadesams shows His greatness. Now, when He is in my heart in all three states shows His benevelonce. (64)

816.nirpadum Or verpahattu iruppum viN kiDappadum narperum tirai kaDaluL nAnilAda munnelAm | 

arbudan ananda Sayanan Adi Bootan mAdavan nirpadum iruppadum kiDappadum en nenjuLE || (65)

816. AzhvAr still enjoys the lingering greatness of the Lord in his mind. Oh Lord you descended and stood (nirpadum) atop the seven hills of Tiruvengadam, seated in the eternal abode (paramapadam), and in lying state in the mighty TirupArkadal at the time of my lack of cognisance. Whereas when my eyes were awakened, now You reside within my heart in all three states. Oh! Sri ManNarayana, you are the same (arputhan) Tiruvengadavan who does wonders, (ananthasayanan) who rests in Tirupparkadal, (Athibothan) the ancient cause along with your consort Mahalakshmi always beside you. (65)

817.inru SAdal ninru SAdal anri yArum vaiyahattu onri ninru vAzhdal inmai kaNDum neechar en kolO | 

anru pAr aLanda pAda bOdai unni vAnin mEl Senru Senru dEvarAi irukkilAda vaNNamE || (66)

817. The truth of life is that no one is eternal. Death can occur immediately after birth, else with longevity. Even after realising that it is impossible to live permanently in any world, why do people become ignorant of the eternal bliss? Why can’t they reach the Lotus feet of Lord Tiruvikrama who measured this whole universe at that time when King Mahabali took over it, and reach the eternal abode? (66)


818.chaNDa maNDalattin ooDu Senru veeDu peTTru mEl kaNDu veeDilAda kAdal inbam nALum eiduveer | puNDareeka pAda puNNiya keerti num Sevi maDuttu uNDu num uruvinai tuyaruL neengi uimminO || (67)

Those who are desirous to attain moksha through the path of the Sun (Archiradi m arham) with their untainted bhakthi and reach the blissful abode for eternal service to the Lord, listen to all the fame and glories of the divine Lotus feet of Him which alone is the goal (PrApyam) and the means (PrApakam) thus getting liberated from the sins due to karma. (67)

819.muttirattu vANiyattu iraNDil onru neecharhaL mattarAi mayanguhinradu iTTadil irandu pOndu | 

ettirattum uivadOr upAyam illai uihuril tottirutta taN tuzhAi nan mAlai vAzhtti vAzhminO || (68)

819. Those who are caught in the materialistic desires of the jEvAtma, get bonded with the effects of the two gunas (RAjasik and TAmasik) out of the three (including SAdvik), and get swirled in the cycles of birth. Such lowly ones who does not know to come out of this bondage – sing the glories of Lord TirumAl adorned with a garland made from the cool Tulsi clusters and get emancipated. (68)

820.kANilum uruppolAr SevikkinAda keerttiyAr pENilum varam tara miDukkilAda dEvarai | 

ANam enru aDaindu vAzhum AdarhAL em AdipAl pENi num pirappennum piNakku arukka kiTTrirE || (69)

820. Oh the unperceptive ones, even though you resort to the devas with unpleasant forms and unspeakable glories surrendering to them, they are incapable of fulfilling your wishes. Therefore, should you not worship the Lord who is primordial of all forms and get this cycle of birth broken? (69)

821.kundamODu Soolam vElhaL tOmarangaL taNDu vAL pandamAna dEvarhaL parandu vAnaham ura |

vanda vANan eerainnooru tOLhaLai tuNitta nAL anda anda Akulam amararE arivarE || (70)

821. AzhvAr authenticates his stance on the Devas in this pAsuram. 

All the devas with mighty arms such as javelin, tridents, spears, armour, maces and swords taking the side of BAnAsura, fled away from the battlefield in different directions and reached their respective abode helplessly leaving him alone. When Srikrishna severed almost all his thousand arms (leaving behind two) these devas came to know about their plight themselves. (70)

822.vaNDulAvu kOdai mAdar kAraNattinAl vehuNDu iNDa vANan eerainnooru tOLhaLai tuNitta nAL | muNDan neeran makkaL veppu mODi angi ODiDa kaNDu nANi vANanukku iranginAn emmAyanE || (71)


822. At this incident of Srikrishna chopping off bAnAsurA’s thousand arms in the battle, by reason of his daughter Usha adorned with garlands and bees hovering on them, Srikrishna felt ashamed to have fought with Siva who was bald headed and ashes smeared all over his body along with his family members including his son (Subramanyan), Agni and  kAli  taking on to BAnAs side, but literally ran away in haste. Finally, The Supreme Lord, our MAYAN forgave and spared him showing mercy. (71)

823. pOdil mangai bootala kizhatti dEvi anriyum pOdu tangu nAn muhan mahan avan mahan Solil | 

 mAdu tangu kooran Eradoorti enru vEda nool Oduhinradu uNmai alladu illai maTTru uraikkilE || (72)

823. For Lord NARAYANA, PeriyapirAti or Sridevi residing on the Lotus flower and BoomipirAti or Bhoodevi are His two consorts. In addition to that, the four faced BrahmA, seated on the Lotus flower arising from Lord’s navel is His son. The one who has given an equal half of His body to pArvati and possess the bull as his vehicle is the son of Brahma. These are the true facts as mentioned in the VedAs. Other contradictory statements are false. Thus, azhvAr infers that NArAyanan is the supreme lord.(72)

AzhvAr TiruvadigalE sharanam.


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