TIRUCHCHANDAVIRUTTAM 73 TO 84 PASURAMS 824 TO 835 824.maram poda charam turandu vAli veezha munnOr nAL uram poda charam turanda umbarALi embirAn | varam kurippil vaittavarkku alAdu vAnam ALilum nirambu neeDu bOham ettirattum yArkum illaiyE || (73) *Grace of the Lord* 824.This Lord of lords, our emperumAn, Penetrating through seven Saal trees with a single arrow, instilled confidence in sugreeva's heart and in the same way penetrated through vAli's heart and killed him with a single arrow, in the days of the yore (trEtA yuga), during rAmAvatAr. Unless one gets venerated by the lord's grace into His heart, even be it the King of the celestials, none can get the fruit of doing eternal service to the Lord. (73) 825.arindu arindu vAmanan aDi yiNai vaNanginAl Serindu ezhunda jnAnamODu Selvamum SerindiDum | marindu ezhunda teNDiraiyuL mannu mAlai vAzhttinAl parindu ezhundu tee vinaihaL paTTru arudal pAnmaiyE || (74) .* Surrender* 825.Listening and understanding t...