PASURAMS (719 -729)

After talking about the plight of Devaki in krishNAvatAr, KulasEkara AzhvaAr gets remembered of kousaLya who could enjoy the childhood of RAma, the favourite deity of AzhvAr. He even remembers the ordinance of Lord RanganAtha to vibeeshana, to come and enjoy His walking style in tirukkaNapuram. So combining both the experience AzhvAr composes this lullaby for RAma dedicating it to the Lord of tirukkaNna Puram

719 * mannupugazhk kausalai than * maNivayiRu vAyththavanE! *
thennilangkaik kOn mudigaL * sindhuviththAy! sempon sEr **
kanninanmA madhiL pudai sUzh * kaNapuraththen karumaNiyE! *
ennudaiya innamudhE! * irAgavanE! thAlElO (2) (1)

719. Oh,rAmA !  The pristine one! Born from the sacred womb of the eternally famed Mother KausalyA, you defeated the ten headed King of Lanka effortlessly. Oh! My dark hued gem ! Closer to my heart, who abodes in tirukkaNNapuram, surrounded by tall ramparts, my sweet nectar, child of Raghu vamsa ,lullaby to you! tAlElO!(1)

720 puNdarika malaradhan mEl *

buvani ellAm padaiththavanE! *

thiNthiRalAL thAdakai than *

uramuruvach silai vaLaiththAy! ** kaNdavar tham manam vazhangkum *

kaNapuraththen karumaNiyE! * eNthisaiyum ALudaiyAy! *

irAgavanE! thAlElO (2)

720. Oh!lord, you created all the worlds of this whole universe, through Brahma seated on the lotus flower from your naval.  Using your sArnga bow, in rAmAvatAr, you made the fearsome tATaka lifeless by piercing her chest. Oh! The worthy Dark hued gem of kannapuram, to whom the devotees totally loose themselves at the very sight. To the one who governs everyone present in all eight directions . Oh! RAgavA tAlElO! (2)

  721 kongkumali karungkuzhalAL * kausalai than kulamadhalAy! *

thangku perum pugazhch chanakan * thirumarugA! dhAsarathI! **

gangkaiyilum thIrththamali * kaNapuraththen karumaNiyE! *

engkaL kulathu innamudhE! * irAgavanE! thAlElO (3)

721. The darling child of mother Kausalya with her dark thick aromatic tresses! the son in law of the indomitable praiseworthy great King Janaka! Oh! RAghavA the born emperor, who resides in the forest of the Ganges as well as in tirukaNNapuram with its rich water bodies. Oh! Rama! The dark gem of our princely clan! tAlElO! (3)

722 thAmarai mEl ayan avanaip padaiththavanE! * dhayarathan than

mAmadhalAy! * maithili than maNavALA! ** vaNdinangkaL

kAmarangkaL isai pAdum * kaNapuraththen karumaNiyE! *

Emaruvum silai20 valavA! * irAgavanE! thAlElO (4)

722. Oh! Raghava, creator of brahma on the lotus from your naval! The eldest son of DasarathA!  Consort of Mythili pirATTi! My dear precious gem holding and using the sArnga bow, residing in tirukaNNapuram where the swarm of bees hover around singing a type of song called kAmara! Lullaby to you!tAlElO! (4)

723 pArALum padar selvam * baratha nambikkE aruLi *

ArAvanbu iLaiyavanOdu * arungkAnam adaindhavanE! **

sIrALum varai mArbA! * thirukkaNNapuraththarasE! *

thArALum21 nINmudi * en dhAsarathI! thAlElO (5)

723. Entrusting the wealth of ruling the land and the kingdom of Ayodhya to Bharatha, you set to the forest along with your younger brother Lakshmana who is the personification of earnest love of bakthi. Oh! Lord of tirukaNNapuram, adorned with garland and the divine crown, having your beloved consort on your mountain like chest, Oh! DAsarathy! tAlElO!(5)

724 sutRam ellAm pin thodarath * tholkAnam adaindhavanE! *

atRavargatku arumarundhE! *

ayOththi nagarkku adhipadhiyE! **

katRavargaL thAm vAzhum * kaNapuraththen karumaNiyE!

sitRavai than sol koNda * sIrAmA! thAlElO (6)

 724. Oh! rAmA, the King of Ayodhya!, with the whole mob of relatives and subjects walking behind, you left to the very old and historic forest of dandakAraNyam. You are the medicament for your devotees suffering in this samsAric life. Oh! Lord, EmperumAn who is like the blue sapphire, residing in tirukkaNNapuram, where sages prefer to live, who listened to the words of your  step mother! Oh! RAma, Lullaby to You! tAlElO! (6)

725 Alinilaip pAlaganAy * anRulagam uNdavanE! *vAliyaik konRu arasu * iLaiya vAnaraththukku aLiththavanE! **

kAlinmaNi karai alaikkum * kaNapuraththen karumaNiyE! *

Alinagarkku adhipadhiyE! * ayOththimanE! thAlElO (7)

725. Protecting the whole world inside your stomach, you lay as a new born baby on a single banyan leaf over the deluge waters (ஆலினிலைப்பாலகனாய்)in the days of the yore. Assassinating the vAnarA King vAli, you handed over the kingdom to his younger brother Sugreeva. Oh! My dark hued gem residing in tirukkaNNapuram, where the canal waters pushes all the precious gems ashore,Oh! Premier of tiruvAli!, ruler of Ayodhya! lullaby to you, tAlElO! (7)

726 * malai adhanAl aNai katti *

madhiL ilangkai azhiththavanE! *

alaikadalaik kadaindhu * amararkku amudharuLich seydhavanE! **

kalaivalavar thAm vAzhum * kaNapuraththen karumaNiyE! *

silaivalavA! sEvakanE! * sIrAmA! thAlElO (8)

726. Building the Sethu bridge across the ocean using mountains and rocks, You annihilated the well fortified Lanka. Churning the wavy milky ocean, You tactfully served the amrutham to the dEvAs. Oh! My precious dark hued gem of tirukkaNNapuram, where the well learned people dwell, Oh! Wielder of the sArnga bow! Oh! Mighty warrior ! Sri RAma ! Lullaby to you! tAlElO! (8)

727 thaLai avizhum naRungkunjchith * dhayarathan than kulamadhalAy! *

vaLaiya oru silai adhanAl *

madhiL ilangkai azhiththavanE! **

kaLaikazhunIr marungkalarum * kaNapuraththen karumaNiyE! *

iLaiyavargatku aruLudaiyAy! * irAgavanE! thAlElO (9)

727. Oh! Darling son of the clan of King DasarathA, who has fragrant falling locks of hair, you destroyed Lanka with its forts using your majestically curved sArnga bow. Oh my dark hued sapphire gem, who abodes in tirukkaNNapuram surrounded by slushy fields filled with bloomed creepers, who has great concern towards your siblings, Oh! rAghavNE! tAlElO! (9)

728 * dhEvaraiyum asuraraiyum * thisaigaLaiyum padaiththavanE! *

yAvarum vandhu adivaNangka * arangkanagarth thuyinRavanE! **

kAviri nalnadhi pAyum * kaNapuraththen karumaNiyE! *

Evarivenjsilai valavA! * irAgavanE! thAlElO (10)

728. My dark hued gem of tirukkaNNapuram!, where the sacred river Cauvery flows, you are the one who created the dEvAs and asurAs including all the directions! You have reposed yourself in the divine kshEtram Tiruvarangam for everyone to easily pay their obeisances to you! Oh! RAgavA! Wielding the beautifully curved bow with its arrows, that petrifies the enemies! Lullaby to You! tAlElO! (10)


729 * kanninanmAmadhiL pudai sUzh * kaNapuraththen kAkuththan

thannadi mEl * thAlElO

enRuraiththa * thamizh mAlai **

kolnavilum vElvalavan *

kudaik kulasEkaran sonna *

panniya nUl paththum vallAr * pAngkAya paththargaLE (11)

 729.KulasEkara AzhvaAr, proficient in handling the deadly spear and possessing the authority to hold the White umbrella,(veNN kotra kudai) being a Kshatriya, has written these lullaby about his master and Lord rAma, from the perspective of kousaLya, as a felicitation (mangalAsAsanam) towards tirukkaNNapuram with its rich fortified rampart in all four direction. Those who become proficient in learning these ten songs are sure to become great devotees of Lord rAma. (11)

  Azhwar Thiruvadigale sharanam


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