Pasurams (577 - 586)

viNN neela mElAppu

Getting no response from the Shankam, even after discussing its closeness to the Lord, AndAl felt dejected. As it was monsoon at that time, she saw the gathering of the rain bearing dark clouds and searched for Emperuman, who,had promised to come. Upon not finding Him to her dismay, immediately she sends the dark clouds as a messenger to bring Him to her. 

577 * viNNIla mElAppu * viriththAR pOl mEgangkAL! * 

theNNIr pAy vEngkadaththu * en thirumAlum pOndhAnE? ** 

kaNNIrgaL mulaik kuvattil * thuLi sOrach sOrvEnai *

peNNIrmai Idazhikkum * idhu thamakkOr perumaiyE (1)

577.Oh! Clouds spread over the blue sky like a canopy, has TirumAl the Lord of ThiruvEnkatam, where crystal clear water cascades, come along with you? Is this act of His, leaving me in distress with tearful eyes, commendable? (1)

578 mAmuththa nidhi soriyum * mAmugilgAL! *

 vEngkadaththuch sAmaththin niRam koNda * thAdALan16 vArththai ennE! ** 

kAmath thIyuL pugundhu * kadhuvappattu idaik kangkul * 

EmaththOr thenRalukku * ingku ilakkAy nAn iruppEnE  (2)

578. Oh! Massive clouds that shower rain like gold and precious pearls, has the blue hued supreme lord of TiruvEnkatam sent any message for me? Having been gripped by the fear of separation (விரக தாபம்), even the gentle breeze of the midnight has started hurting me. Will I be able to sustain this? (2)

579 oLivaNNam vaLai sindhai * uRakkaththOdu ivai ellAm * 

eLimaiyAl ittu ennai * Idazhiyap pOyinavAl **

kuLir aruvi vEngkadaththu * en gOvindhan guNam pAdi * 

aLiyaththa mEgangkAL! * Avi kAththu iruppEnE (3)

579. Oh Gracious Clouds! As a result of my anguish due to the separation from my Lord, my charm, complexion, sleep and many other things like even my bangles have left me and gone. I have lost everything, may be because of me being fragile or because of their cheap nature to leave me and go. I am doubtful, whether I will be able to survive just by lamenting the auspicious attributes (kalyaNa guNAs) of KaNNa pirAn residing in ThiruvEnkatam which has cool waterfalls. (3)

580 minnAgaththu ezhuginRa * mEgangkAL! * 

vEngkadaththuth thannAgath thirumangkai * thangkiya sIr mArvarkku ** 

ennAgaththu iLangkongkai * virumbith thAm nAL thORum * 

ponnAgam pulgudhaRku * en purivudaimai seppuminE(4)

580. Oh Clouds, that generate lightning! Reminding me of the dark hued Lord with pirATTi as slender as the lightning! I wish to be embraced by Lord TirumAl each and every day. Please make sure, you inform this news to the Lord who carries pirATTi on His chest (vakshasthalam) perpetually.  (4)

# Agam, meaning body is beautifully used in all four lines of this pAsuram. Min Agam- body of the cloud, tan Agam - lord's tirumEni, en Agam - my sarIram, pon Agam - golden tirumEni of the Lord.

581 vAn koNdu kiLarndhu ezhundha * mAmugilgAL! * 

vEngkadaththuth thEn koNda malar sidhaRath * thiraNdERip pozhivIrgAL! **

Un koNda vaLLugirAl * iraNiyanai udal idandhAn *

thAn koNda sarivaLaigaL * tharumAgil sAtRuminE (5)

581. Oh widespread Clouds ! You gather together, forming a huge crowd over the sky and shower upon the honey dripping flowers of tiruvEngadam, to fall all over the place. I request you all to explain my present solitary  condition to the supreme Lord who tore and threw hiraNyan, with His sharp fleshy nails, if He can and is willing to get back the bangles that I lost due to the separation from Him. (5)

582 salangkoNdu kiLarndhu ezhundha * thaN mugilgAL! * 

mAvaliyai nilangkoNdAn vEngkadaththE * nirandhERip pozhivIrgAL! **

 ulangkuNda viLangkani pOl * uL meliyap pugundhu * 

ennai nalangkoNda nAraNaRku17 * en nadalai nOy seppuminE


582. Oh cool Clouds, that has risen carrying the waters of the ocean! You pour the rain widespread, over the hills of tiruvEngadam, where the Lord who took possession of the whole world from mahAbali, resides. Similar to the wood Apple fruit ( vilam Pazham) that is left empty shell after the Ulangu a variety of mosquitoes consume the fleshy part, even I am left drained out after the misery of separation that has struck me. Please inform this to Him. (6)

583 * sangkamA kadal kadaindhAn * thaN mugilgAL! * 

vEngkadaththuch sengkaNmAl sEvadik kIzh * adi vIzhchchi viNNappam **

kongkai mEl kungkumaththin * kuzhambazhiyap pugundhu * 

oru nAL thangkumEl * en Avi thangkum enRu uraiyIrE (7)

583. Oh! Clouds, spread over ThiruvEnkatam, where the Lord who churned the magnificent milky ocean, replete with conches abodes, please inform Him about my request placed at the feet of the red lotus eyed Lord. At least once if I get to be embraced by His divine hands, only then will I survive. (7)

584 kAr kAlaththu ezhuginRa * kAr mugilgAL! * 

vEngkadaththup pOr kAlaththu ezhundharuLip * 

porudhavanAr pEr solli ** nIr kAlaththu erukki * 

nam pazhavilai pOl vIzhvEnai *

vAr kAlaththu oru nAL * tham vAsagam thandharuLArE (8)

584. Oh! The monsoon dark Clouds of the TiruvEnkatam hills! Singing in praise, the different names of Lord Rama, who victoriously fights for the sake of His devotees, I fall down frail and fatigue like the ripened leaves of the erukku plant (calotropis), that falls down during the rainy season. Won't He at least give me a comforting message during this prolonged tough time of separation? (8)

585 * madha yAnai pOl ezhundha * mAmugilgAL! * 

vEngkadaththaip padhiyAga vAzhvIrgAL! * pAmbaNaiyAn vArththai ennE! ** 

kathi enRum thAn AvAn * karudhAdhu * Or peN kodiyai

vadhai seydhAn ennum sol * vaiyagaththAr madhiyArE (9)

585. Oh dark Clouds! Housed in ThiruvEnkatam, that emerge like  musth elephants, Alas, the promises made by Emperuman who reclines on the twin tongued Adiseshan, that He will come during monsoon has become false. Has He also become twin tongued? Hasn't He considered Himself the protector, the one whom I consider my only resort ? Isn't He worried how people of the world will respect Him, if they come to know that He has abandoned a poor girl? (9)


586 * nAgaththin aNaiyAnai * nannudhalAL nayandhurai sey *

 mEgaththai vEngkadak kOn * vidu thUdhil viNNappam **

 bOgaththil vazhuvAdha * pudhuvaiyar kOn kOdhai thamizh * 

Agaththu vaiththuraippAr * avaradiyAr AguvarE (10)

586.AndAl, the darling daughter of the devout head of srivilliputtoor periAzhvAr, has written these pAsurams as an ode of love, sending the clouds as messengers, to convey her love, to the Lord of TiruvEnkatam who reclines on Adiseshan. Those who recite these verses by heart, will be Lord TirumAl's devotees. (10)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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