PASURAMS 453– 462

"dhukka chuzhalai"

After reiterating that the Lord had entered his self, PeriAzhwar, does not want Him to leave at any cost. As AzhvAr got engrossed in the   Archa moorthi of TirumAlirunchOlai, his mind steadfastly revolved around Him and didn’t want to part from Him. As a result emperumAn stayed in his heart bestowing him with paramabakthi.

453: thukkach chuzhalaiyai soozhndhu kidandha* valaiyai aRappaRiththu*

pukkinil pukkunnai kaNdu koNdEn* inippOha viduvadhuNdO?*

makkaL aRuvarai kallidai mOdha* izhandhavaL than vayiRRil*

sikkena vandhu piRandhu n^inRaay!* thirumaalirunchOlai endhaay! (2) 1.

453.Oh! Lord my father!, ThirumAlirumchOlai endhAi! 

You were born in Devaki's womb, who was in distress loosing her previous six babies, after the cruel Kamsan killed them throwing against the rock! Throwing away the ignorance born as a result of plunging in the quagmire of the cycle of birth and death, taking the body due to the karmic effect , now I have realised your presence. How will I let you go? (1)


vaLaiththu vaiththEn inip pOhalottEn* un_than indhira NYaalaNGgkaLaal*

oLiththidil n^in thiruvaaNai kaNdaay* nee oruvarkkum meyyanallai*

aLiththeNGgum n^aadum n^aharamum* thammudai theevinai theerkkaluRRu*

theLiththu valaNYcheyyum theerththamudai* thirumaalirunchOlai endhaay! 2.

454. Oh! Lord my father!, ThirumAlirumchOlai endhai! 

The people from different places come here to get rid of their sins by taking a dip in the sacred waters of this virtuous place ThirumAlirumchOlai. Now they I have identified and gheraoed you, I will not let you go anywhere. If you hide yourself with all your magical powers, I swear in front of periyapirATTi, that I will not let you go as you are very unpredictable. (2)


unakku paNi seythirukkum thavamudaiyEn,* inippOy oruvan-

thanakkup paNindhu* kadaiththalai n^iRkai* nin_saayai azhivu kaNdaay*

punaththinai kiLLip pudhuvavikaatti* un ponnadi vaazhhavenRu*

inakkuRavar pudhiyadhuNNum* ezhil maalirunchOlai endhaay! (2) 3.

455. Oh! Lord, my father!

ThirumAlirumchOlai endhAi! 

The nomads of ThirumAlirumchOlai, gather together, sing your praise first and later offer their reaped and cooked millet produce, thereby eating it as the prasad. In the same way I have been blessed by you, to be living and serving you always. Henceforth I shall never opt to serve anyone else other than you as it will be a disgrace if I do so. (3)



kaadham palavum thirindhu uzhanRERku* angOr n^izhalillai n^eerumillai* un-

paadha n^izhalallaal maRROr uyirppidam* naan engum kaaNkinRilEn*

thoodhu senRaay! guru paaNdavarkkaay* angOr poysuRRam pEsichchenRu*

pEdhaNYcheydhu eNGgum piNampadaiththaay!* thirumaalirunchOlai endhaay! 4.

456. Oh! Lord, my father!

ThirumAlirumchOlai endhAi ! 

Siding the pAndavas of kuru vamsam, You went as a messenger for them. Creating a discord amongst them, you  were instrumental for the kurukshetra war that ensued, ending the Duryodhana clan. 

Having wandered in the journey of life, least did I see a shelter to rest, nor some water to quench my thirst. Finding solace in the shadow of Your Lotus feet is the only means. (4)


kaalum ezhaa kaNNa n^eerum n^illaa* udal sOrndhu n^aduNGgi* kural-

mElum ezhaa mayir koochchumaRaa* enathOLhaLum veezhvozhiyaa*

maaluhaLaa n^iRkum enmananE!* unnai vaazhath thalaip peydhittEn*

sEluhaLaa n^iRkum n^eeL sunaisoozh* thirumaalirunchOlai endhaay! 5.

457. Oh! Lord, my father! ThirumAlirumchOlai endhAi ! 

You reside in this beautiful kshEtram, where fish frolic in the springs everywhere. My mind insanely laments about your grace, that has brought me to You, who is the means and the destination yourself. Overwhelmed with that thoughts, my feet refuses to move, my joyous tears doesn’t stop rolling. My body feels ecstatic and stumbles, my voice breaks, my hair rises and my shoulders become weak, when I relish and recollect these thoughts repeatedly. (5)


eruththuk kodiyudaiyaanum* biramanum indhiranum* maRRum-

oruththarum ippiRavi ennum n^Oykku* marundhu aRivaarum illai*

maruththuvanaay n^inRa maamaNi vaNNaa!* maRupiRavi thavirath-

thiruththi* un_kOyil kadaippuhappey* thirumaalirunchOlai endhaay! 6.

458. Oh! Lord, my father!

ThirumAlirumchOlai endhAi! 

The remedial medicine for the cycle of birth and death, is known to none. Not even to lord Shiva who possesses the bull flag, nor Brahma or Indra. Oh! Bluish gem hued Lord, who is the physician yourself (Dhanvantari),my Guru, please relieve me of my future births and bless me to remain at the threshold of your temple. (6)


akkarai ennumanaththak kadaluL azhundhi* un pEraruLaal*

ikkarai yERi iLaiththu irundhEnai* aNYchEl enRu kaikaviyaay*

sakkaramum thadakkaihaLum* kaNhaLum peedhaha vaadaiyodum*

sekkar n^iRaththu sivappudaiyaay!* thirumaalirunchOlai endhaay! 7.

459. Oh! Lord, my father!

ThirumAlirumchOlai endhAi! 

Holding the chakra in your broad hands, with great brilliance in the eyes and donning the golden robe, You look like the reddish evening sky. Having been drowned and weakened by sins and worries, upon  your grace I have been guided ashore from this dreadful ocean of samsara. Please bless me lord saying, “don’t fear, when I am there “, lifting me up with Your gracious hands ( Abhaya hastham). (7)


eththanai kaalamum eththanai oozhiyum* inRodu n^aaLai enRE*

iththanai kaalamum pOykkiRippattEn* ini unnaip pOhalottEn*

maiththunanmaar_kaLaivaazhviththu* maaRRalar n^ooRRuvaraik keduththaay!*

siththam n^inpaalathu aRidhiyanRE* thirumaalirunchOlai endhaay! 8.

460. Oh! Lord, my father!

ThirumAlirumchOlai endhAi! 

Unable to escape and relieve myself from the swirl of samsara, my time has been spent for ages and yugas counting each day and night without any purpose. Now that I am near You, I will not let you go off my mind. You very well know this oh Krishna! Who made the pAndavAs rule, vanquishing the Kauravas.(8)


anRu vayiRRil kidandhirundhE* adimai seyyaluRRiruppan*

inRu vandhu_iNGgu unnaik kaNdu koNdEn* inip pOha viduvadhuNdE?*

senRaNGgu vaaNanai aayirandhOLum* thiruch chakkarama thanaal*

thenRith thisaithisaiveezhach cheRRaay!* thirumaalirunchOlai endhaay! 9.

461. Oh! Lord, my father!

ThirumAlirumchOlai endhAi! 

You sleighed the thousand arms of BAnAaura in Sonitapur with the help of your discus, such that, it got scattered in all directions. I was blessed to be your servitor even when in my mother’s womb. At present, feeling your gracious presence here in this divine hill of ThirumAlirumchOlai, will I ever let You go? (9)



senRulaham kudaindhaadum sunai* thirumaalirunchOlai thannuL-

ninRa piraan* adimEl adimaiththiRam* nEr pada viNNappam sey*

pon thihazh maadam polindhu thOnrum* pudhuvaikkOn vishNu chiththan*

onRinOdu onbadhum paada vallaar* ulaham aLandhaan thamarE. (2)

462. Exhibiting his servitude under the lotus feet of Lord Azhagar graciously residing in the hills of ThirumAlirumchOlai encircled by deep springs, where people take holy dip, periAzhvAr of villiputtur with its rich golden towers has penned these ten verses. Those who can sing these verses will surely be the devout devotees of the Lord who measured all the three worlds. (10)

AzhvAr Thiruvadigale Sharanam 


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