Pasuram 402- 411


Glory of Thiruvarangam KshEtram.

402:## maadhavaththOn puththiran pOy* maRikadal vaay maaNdaanai*

Odhuviththa thakkaNaiyaa* uruvuruvE koduththaanoor*

thOdhavaththith thooymaRaiyOr* thuRai padiyath thuLumbi_engum*

pOdhil vaiththa thEn soriyum* punal arangam enbadhuvE. (2) 1.

402. Thiruvarangam is the divine kshEtram, where the Cauvery flows with its honey dripping flowers on its banks and the Vedic scholars taking a dip with their clean pure clothes. It is here Lord Krishna who brought back the son of Sage Sandhipini, His guru, steeped in penance, who drowned in the ocean (prabAsa theertham) back in the original state as Gurudhakshina, resides eternally. (1)

403: piRappahaththE maaNdozhindha* piLLaikaL ain^aalvaraiyum*

iRaippozhudhil koNarndhu koduththu* oruppadiththa uRaippanoor*

maRaip perum thee vaLarththiruppaar* varu virundhai aLiththiruppaar*

siRappudaiyam aRaiyavar vaazh* thiru arangam enbadhuvE. 2.

403.The Vedic scholars of Thiruvarangam, perform their religious duties of doing all three types of sacrificial offering (veLvi) without fail. They are very hospitable towards the visitors of all kinds. Lord Krishna, who abodes here brought back the four new born kids of the Brahmin women,  who died immediately after birth, straight from paramapadam (the eternal abode) and  rejoined them with the parents. (2)

404: marumahanthan sandhadhiyai* uyir meettu, maiththunan maar*

urumahaththE veezhaamE* gurumuhamaayk kaaththaanoor*

thirumuhamaay sengamalam* thiru n^iRamaayk karunguvaLai*

porumuhamaay n^inRalarum* punalarangam enbadhuvE. 3.

404.Lord Krishna saved his nephew Abhimanyu’s son Parikshit, giving him life while still in the womb, thus saving the descendants of PANdavAs. By being the preceptor himself and leading His pANdavA cousins, he ensured that they don’t loose the battle. This lord is stationed eternally in Tiruvarangam, which is rich with waterbodies filled with lotuses that resemble His TirumuKam and karunkuvalai  that resemble His complexion. (3)

405: koon thozhuththai sidhakuraippa* kodi avaL vaaykkadiya solkEttu*

eenReduththa thaayaraiyum* iraachchiyamum aangozhiya*

kaan thoduththa n^eRipOhi* kaNdakaraik kaLaindhaanoor*

thEn thoduththa malarchchOlai* thiruvarangam enbadhuvE. 4.

405. The lord who destroyed the demons and rakshasas in the dense forest of DandakArNyam where he came leaving his kingdom and his beloved mother kausalya, accepting the orders of Kaikeyi under the influence of the wicked kooni has taken tiruvarangam as His permanent abode. This kshEtram is surrounded by orchards with honey dripping flowers. (4)

406: peruvarangaL avaipaRRi* pizhakudaiya iraavaNanai*

uruvarangap porudhazhiththu* ivvulahinaik kaN peRuththaanoor*

kuruvarumbakkOngalara* kuyil koovum kuLir_pozhil soozh*

thiruvarangam enbadhuvE* en_thirumaal sErvidamE. 5.

406. This kshEtram is ThirumAl's Abode.  With the help of the procured boons, the arrogant Ravanan caused great misery to the Devas and mankind. Lord Rama shattered him and killed him saving the world from his tyranny! This lord tirumAl  stays willingly in Thiruvarangam, where the kurava trees spring with blossoms, kOngo flowers bloom and the cuckoos coo pleasantly. (5)

407: keezhulahil_asurar kaLai* kizhangirundhu kiLaraamE*

aazhi viduththu avarudaiya* karuvazhi thavazhippanoor*

thaazhai madalooduriNYchi* thavaLa vaNNa podi aNindhu*

yaazhinisai vaNdinangaL* aaLa vaikkum arangamE. 6.

407. Launching His one man army Chakarathazhwar, Lord Narayana, destroyed the asura clan to its core, right in the netherworld,  such that they don’t disturb the dEvas of the upper world.  In this divine Thiruvarangam kshetram, the swarm of bees hover over the pandanus flowers (ThAzham poo) drinking its honey there by carrying all the whitish pollen grains all over its body and happily buzzing around as if playing the lute (yAzh). (6)

408: kozhuppudaiya sezhum kurudhi* kozhiththizhindhu kumizhththeRiya*

pizhakkudaiya_asurarhaLai* piNam paduththa perumaanoor*

thazhuppariya sandhanangaL* thadavaraivaay eerththuk koNdu*

thezhippudaiya kaaviri vandhu* adithozhum seer arangamE. 7.

408. This sacred kshEtram is the Abode of ThirumAl, who vanquished the asurAs, who on the other hand tortured and killed the people of the world in such a way that their blood gushed along with the carcasses and flowed like a bubbling river. In this Thiruvarangam,  flows the Cauvery, which pulls down the sandal trees along its banks and washes them with her fierce,  swirling waters and pays obeisance at the feet of Arangan. (7)

409: valleyiRRu kEzhalumaay* vaaL eyiRRu seeyamumaay*

ellaiyillaa tharaNiyaiyum* avuNanaiyum idandhaanoor*

elliyam pOdhu iruNYchiRai vaNdu* emberumaan guNam paadi*

mallihai veN shangoodhum* madhiL arangam enbadhuvE. 8.

409. The lord taking the varAha avatar, with His strong tusks , lifted the earth and having sword like sharp shining teeth in His NrisimhAvarAr tore open HiraNyAkshan to death. The Thiruvarangam kshEtram with its tall rampart, where this glorious lord stays has  the big winged bumblebees sing the praise of the lord at dusk using the white jasmine flowers as a conch. (8)

410: kunRaadu kozhu muhil pOl* kuvaLaihaL pOl kurai kadalpOl*

ninRaadu kaNamayil pOl* niRamudaiya n^edumaaloor*

kunRaadu pozhil n^uzhaindhu* kodiyidaiyaar mulaiyaNavi*

manRoodu thenRalumaam* madhiL arangam enbadhuvE. 9.

410. Lord tirumAl, is as cool as the rain bearing clouds that hover around the mountain peaks. He is as radiant as the kuvalai flowers and majestic as the boisterous ocean. He is hued like the pretty dancing peacock. In this nedumAl 's residence Thiruvarangam, the gentle breeze that pass through the mountain orchards caressing the maidens smeared with sandalwood paste, blows in all directions within its tall fortress. (9)


411:## paruvarangaL avaipaRRi* padaiyaali thezhundhaanai*

seruvarangap porudhazhiththa* thiru vaaLan thiruppadhi mEl*

thiruvaranga thamizhmaalai* vishNu chiththan viriththana koNdu*

iruvarangam eriththaanai* Eththa vallaar adiyOmE. (2) (10)

411. Vishnuchithan has sung these pasurams praising the valour of Sri Rama, who killed Ravana and removed his arrogance. He who recites these verses will become the devotees of the slayer of Madhu and Kaitapa.(10)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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