*PASURAMS 172 - 181*

*(Or kOl konDuvA)*

Yashoda asks a crow to bring a grazing stick for Kaṇṇan to play and graze the cows. 

172: vElikkOl vetti* viLaiyaadu villERRi*

thaalik kozhundhai* thadaNGgazhuththil pooNdu*

peeliththazhaiyai* piNaiththu piRakittu*

kaalippin pOvaaRkuOr kOl koNdu vaa!

kadal n^iRa vaNNaRkuOr kOl koNduvaa. (2) 1.

172. Oh Crow, please bring a staff for Kannan who goes for grazing the cows with an array of peacock feathers on His back, a chain with turtle pendant around his broad neck and a toy bow and arrow made of the sticks from the fences. Oh Crow! Bring a grazing stick for my ocean coloured Kannan. “Or kOl konDuvA” (1)

173: koNGgum kudandhaiyum* kOttiyoorum pErum*

eNGgum thirindhu* viLaiyaadum enmahan*

saNGgam pidikkum* thadakkaikku thakka*

nal aNGgamudaiyadhOr kOl koNduvaa!

arakku vazhiththadhOr kOl koNduvaa. 2.

173. My son Kannan plays wandering in and around all the places of the fragrant KOngu nADu, tirukuDandai, tirukOttiyUr, and tiruppEr Nagaram,etc. Oh!  Crow, bring a suitable, well-formed round grazing stick, which is smeared with red lacquer paint, for my son’s hand that holds the conch.{shankh}  “Or kOl konDuvA”. (2)

174: kaRuththittu edhir n^inRa* kaNYchanai konRaan*

poRuththittu edhir vandha* puLLinvaay keeNdaan*

neRiththa kuzhalhaLai* neeNGga munnOdi*

siRukkanRu mEyppaaRku Or kOlkoNduvaa!

dhEvapiraanukku Or kOl koNduvaa. 3.

174.KaNNan killed the angry antagonist Kamsan and knocked down bakAsuran who came to kill him in the disguise of a crane by splitting its mouth open. Kannan’s locks of hair sways on both sides as he runs before the calves while grazing them. Oh! Crow! Bring a grazing stick for the God of Gods. "Or kOl konDuvA”. (3)

175: onRE uraippaan* oru sollE solluvaan*

thunRumudiyaan* dhuriyOdhanan pakkal*

senRu aNGgup baaradham* kai eRindhaanukku*

kanRuhaL mEyppadhOr kOl koNduvaa*

kadal n^iRa vaNNarkku Or kOl koNduvaa. 4

175. My Kannan stands by what he promises to those who surrender at his feet. Oh! Crow! Bring a grazing stick for Our Lord who went as a messenger for the   sake of the PAndavAs to Duryodhana, and lend a hand in the Bharatha war. Bring a stick for the ocean hued Kannan to graze the calves. “Or kOl konDuvA”. (4)

176: seer onRu thoodhaay* dhuriyOdhanan pakkal*

ooronRu vENdip* peRaadha urOdaththaal*

paaronRi baaradham* kai seydhu paarththaRku*

thEronRai UrndhaaRku Or kOl koNduvaa

dhEvapiraanukku Or kOl koNduvaa. 5.

176. Kaṇṇan, who has the quality of attributing himself for the sake of his devotees, went as a messenger to Duryodhana asking him to give the Paṇḍavas’ at least a single town and got deceived. Kaṇṇa furiously started the BhAratha war, became Arjuna’s charioteer in the battle and got victory for the Paṇḍavas. Oh! Crow! Bring a grazing stick for Him, the God of Gods. “Or kOl konDuvA”. (5)

177: aalaththilaiyaan* aravin aNai mElaan*

neelakkadaluL* neduNGgaalam kaN vaLarndhaan*

baala piraayaththE* paarththarkku aruL seydha*

kOlappiraanukku Or kOlkoNduvaa!

kudandhai kidandhaarkku_Or kOl koNduvaa. 6.

177. The Lord who rests on AdisheshA, at the time of the great deluge was lying on the blue ocean over a banyan leaf having the whole universe inside his stomach. This KaNNan, showed his grace for Arjuna during his early days. Oh! Crow! Bring a grazing stick for this beautiful lord who reclines in TiruKuḍandai. “Or kOl konDuvA. (6)

178: pon thikazh* chiththirakoodap poruppinil*

uRRavadivil* oru kaNNum koNda*

akkaRRaik kuzhalan* kadiyan viraindhu unnai*

maRRaikkaN koLLaamE kOl koNduvaa!

maNivaNNa n^ambikku Or kOl koNduvaa. 7.

178. Oh Crow! When you rested both your eyes on the beauty of the divine stature of Goddess Sita at the beautiful ChithrakooTa mountains, lord Rama removed one of them. He is very harsh towards wrong doers . Now before he gets angry and destroys the other eye, Bring a grazing stick to this blue sapphire colored lord. “Or kOl konDuvA”. (7)

179: minnidai seedhai poruttaa* ilaNGgaiyar*

mannan maNimudi* paththum udan veezha*

thannihar onRillaa* silaikaal vaLaiththitta*

minnu mudiyaRku Or kOl koNduvaa!

vElaiyadaiththaaRku Or kOl koNduvaa. 8.

179.  To save  Seetha with her waist as thin as the lightning, Rama felled the crown cladded ten heads of rAvanA by bending his matchless bow. Oh Crow! Bring a grazing stick for this Lord who wears a radiant crown. Bring a stick for the Lord who built a bridge across the ocean. “Or kOl konDuvA” (8)

180: thennilaNGgai mannan* siramthOL thuNi seydhu*

minnilaNGgupooN* vibeedaNa n^ambikku*

ennilaNGgu n^aamaththaLavum* arasenRa*

minnilaNGgaaraRku Or kOl koNduvaa!

vENGkada vaaNarkku Or kOl koNduvaa. 9

180. Lord RAma cut off the heads and arms of rAvaṇan, the king of Lanka in the south, and crowned VibheeshaNa as the king saying, “You will rule this country as long as my name persists in the world.” Oh Crow! Bring a grazing stick for this Lord who resides  in the hills of TiruvenkaTam .“Or kOl konDuvA”. (9)


181: akkaakkaay! nampikku* kOl koNdu vaavenRu*

mikkaaL uraiththa sol* villipuththoor pattan*

okka uraiththa* thamizh paththum vallavar*

makkaLaip peRRu* makizhvar ivvaiyaththE. 10. 

181.The Bhaṭṭan of Villiputhur has composed these “Or kOl konduvA” pAsurams in line with Yashoda’s words calling the crow to bring a grazing stick for her beloved child. Devotees who master these ten Tamil pAsurams will be blessed with good children and live happily. (10)

AndAl Thiruvadigale Sharanam 


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