PASURAM 44 - 53


PeriAzhwar after enjoying little KaNNan’s thirumeni , sings a lullaby ( tALAttu) imagining himself to be YashOdA and reminding us of His Leelais.

44. mANikkam katti * vayiram idaikatti *

ANipponnAl seytha * vaNNach siRuth thottil **

pENi unakkup * piraman vidu thanthAn*

mANik kuRaLanE thAlElO * vaiyam aLanthAnE thAlElO

44.Oh! KaNNa, Lord Brahma has given with utmost care this beautiful Golden cradle bedecked with Emerald and Diamonds. To you who came as a Brahmachaari Vamana! , and measured the world as “Thiruvikrama”, ThALELO, ThALELO. (1)

45.udaiyAr kanamaNiyOdu * oN mAthuLampU *

idaiviravik kOththa * ezil thezkinOdu **

vidaiyERu kApAli * Isan vidu thanthAn *

udaiyAy azEl AzEl thAlElO* ulakam aLanthAnE thAlElO

45.Kabali, Lord Shiva, who rides the bull , offered you a “Peethambaram”,(இடைச்சுரிகை) woven with Gold and a waist band made of Pomegranate flowers tied together. Oh! Lord who has all the world as your property and who measured the Universe, ThALELO,ThALELO to you. (2)

46. en thampirAnAr * ezil thirumArvarkku*

santham azakiya * thAmaraith thALarkku **

inthiran thAnum * eziludaik kiNkiNi *

thanthuvanAy ninRAn thAlElO * thAmaraik kaNNanE thAlElO

46.Oh! Dear Lord, with “Goddess Lakshmi“ on your “VAKSHASTHALAM” , the king of Gods “INDRA” brought bright anklets for your lovely fragrant Lotus Feet. Giving it , stood beside You. To You Lord, with the eyes as beautiful as the Lotus flower, ThALELO ThALELO. (3)

47. sangkin valampuriyum * sEvadik kiNkiNiyum *

angkaich sarivaLaiyum * nANum araith thodarum **

angkaN visumbil * amararkaL pOththanthAr *

sengkaN karumukilE thAlElO * thEvaki singkamE thAlElO

47.All the celestial Gods wished to offer something or the other and offered You the “conch”, (Valampuri), anklets, bangles, the sacred thread and a waist band. Oh! “Devaki’s Singame”, ThALELO ThALELO. (4)

48. ezilAr thirumArvukku * ERkum ivaiyenRu *

azakiya aimpadaiyum * Aramum koNdu**

vazuvil kodaiyAn * vayich siravaNan *

thozuthuvanAy ninRAn thAlElO *

thUmaNi vaNNanE thAlElO

48.The blemishlessly benevolent KubEra(vaisravaNan) brought the most beautiful “Pancha Ayudhas “ and the glittering necklace thinking it to be most appropriate For You. He offered them and worshiped you. OH blue huedLord ThALELO ThALELO. (5)

49. Othak kadalin * oLimuththin Aramum *

sAthip pavaLamum * santhach sarivaLaiyum **

mAthakkavenRu * varuNan viduthanthAn *

sOthich sudar mudiyAy thAlElO * suntharath thOLanE thAlElO

49.”Varunan” sent the most beautiful “pearl necklace “ picked from the oceans and conch bangles. ParanjOthi! Who has the most shining crown ThALELO ThALELO. (6)

50. kAnAr naRunthuzAy * kaiseytha kaNNiyum*

vAnAr sezunj sOlaik* kaRpakaththin vAsikaiyum**

thEnAr malarmEl * thirumangkai pOththanthAL *

kOnE azEl azEl thAlElO * kudanthaik kidanthAnE thAlElO

50.Mahalakshmi ,who resides on honey dripping Lotus flower sent the most fragrant garland of Thulasi leaves and fertile Karpaka flowers made by Herself to You. Oh! Lord who resides at “Thirukkudanthai”, don’t cry .ThALELO ThALELO. (7)

51. kachchodu poRsurikai * kAmbu kanavaLai *

uchchimaNich sutti * oNthAL niraip poRpU**

achchuthanukkenRu * avaniyAL pOththanthAL *

nachchu mulaiyuNdAy thAlElO * nArAyaNA azEl thAlElO

51.Oh “Acchutha”, BhUmi PiraaTTi sent a Golden sword with handle, dress , bangles , a forehead Chutti, and golden flowers. “ Narayana” ,you drank the milk from “Poothana”, Don’t cry, ThALELO ThALELO. (8)

52. meythimirum nAnap * podiyOdu manjchaLum *

seyya thadangkaNNukku * anjchanamum sinthuramum **

veyyakalaippAki * koNduvaLAy ninRAL *

ayyA azEl thAlElO * arangkaththaNaiyAnE thAlElO

52.”Goddess Durga”  brought the fragrant powder with turmeric ,Kaajal for the large eyes and sindhuram for your forehead. Oh! Lord who is in SriRangam  ThALELO ThALELO. (9)


53. vanjchanaiyAl vantha * pEychchi mulaiyuNda*

anjchana vaNNanai * Aychchi thAlAttiya **

senjsol maRaiyavar * sEr puthuvaip pattan sol *

enjchAmai vallavarkku * illai idar thAnE

53.Phuduvai Battan, who resides along with vedic scholars has sung the lullaby as sung by YashOdA on the Lord who had sucked the milk from the cunning” Poothanai”,. Those who recite these Pasurams will never have any hurdles or sorrows. (10)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale sharanam .


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