
Showing posts from September, 2022


 *PERIAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI Pasuram 54 - 63.  AMBULI PARUVAM Azhwar enjoys in the Role of YashOda, calling the moon to play with KAnnan as He Has started crawling. 54. than mugaththuch sutti * thUngkath thUngkath thavaznthupOy * pon mukak kiNkiNi Arppap * puzuthi aLaikinRAn ** en makan gOvinthan * kUththinai iLamAmathI * nin mukam kaNNuLavAkil * nI ingkE nOkkip pO 54.Oh youthfull moon! If at all you have eyes,Come and see my son Govindhan playing with sand dust. As he sweetly crawls, His forehead Chutti keeps swaying , the GoldenKinkini of His anklets rings loudly while playing with the sand dust. (1) 55.en siRuk kuttan * enakkOr innamuthu empirAn * than siRuk kaikaLAl * kAttik kAtti azaikkinRAn ** anjchana vaNNanOdu * AdalAda uRuthiyEl * manjchil maRaiyAthE * mAmathI makiznthOdi vA 55.)My Kutti KaNNan, Who is my unparalleled sweet nectar, calls you with His small hands, pointing to you again and again. If you really want to play with this dark coloured Lord do not hide behind the ...


 PERIAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI PASURAM 44 - 53 YASHODA’S LULLABY FOR KRISHNA  PeriAzhwar after enjoying little KaNNan’s thirumeni , sings a lullaby ( tALAttu) imagining himself to be YashOdA and reminding us of His Leelais. 44. mANikkam katti * vayiram idaikatti * ANipponnAl seytha * vaNNach siRuth thottil ** pENi unakkup * piraman vidu thanthAn* mANik kuRaLanE thAlElO * vaiyam aLanthAnE thAlElO 44.Oh! KaNNa, Lord Brahma has given with utmost care this beautiful Golden cradle bedecked with Emerald and Diamonds. To you who came as a Brahmachaari Vamana! , and measured the world as “Thiruvikrama”, ThALELO, ThALELO. (1) 45.udaiyAr kanamaNiyOdu * oN mAthuLampU * idaiviravik kOththa * ezil thezkinOdu ** vidaiyERu kApAli * Isan vidu thanthAn * udaiyAy azEl AzEl thAlElO* ulakam aLanthAnE thAlElO 45.Kabali, Lord Shiva, who rides the bull , offered you a “Peethambaram”,(இடைச்சுரிகை) woven with Gold and a waist band made of Pomegranate flowers tied together. Oh! Lord who has all the world as you...


 PERIAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI * PASURAM 23 - 33 *BEAUTY OF KANNAN FROM FEET TO HEAD PAdAdi Kesa Varnanai In these ten verses, Azhwar  enjoys KaNNan from the tip of the Toe to the Head. What YasOdhA had said to cowherd women those days, here Azhwar, taking a role of a lady calls all the beautiful ladies and describes her enjoyment of Kutti KaNNan. 23 . sIthakkadaluL * amuthanna thEvaki * kOthaik kuzalAL  * asOthaikkup pOththantha ** pEthaik kuzavi * pidiththuch suvaiththuNNum * pAthak kamalangkaL kANIrE * pavaLavAyIr vanthu kANIrE 23.Devaki, who is sweet as a Nectar from the ocean (Amudham), gave the child to the long flower braided YashOdA. Come and see that innocent child(pedhai Kuzhandai) holding His little Lotus Feet and enjoying sucking it. (1) 24 . muththum maNiyum * vayiramum nanponnum * thaththip pathiththuth * thalaippeythARpOl **  engkum paththu viralum * maNivaNNan pAthankgkaL * oththithirunthavA kANIrE * oNNuthalIr vanthu kANIrE 24.Oh! ladies, Come and see the d...