
Showing posts from February, 2025


AMALANADIPIRAN - 927  - 936 PASURAMS 1 - 10 As a complete essence of bagavat anubhavam (divine experience) and the divine rendezvous of Periya perumAL without any deviation this Prabandam about the lord who resides in the praNavAkAra vimAnam, has its greatness by starting with the aksharam of the pranavAkAram namely akAra, ukAra and makAram, in addition to having within it ‘ashtAksharam’ and ‘dvayam’. Being the resolution of emperumAn to summon the AzhvAr and make him sing is yet another greatness to this Prabandam. At the very moment of seeing the lord, he starts describing his divine feet 927.** amalan Adhi pirAn * aDiyArkku ennai ATpaDuththavimalan *  viNNavar kOn * viraiyAr pozhil vEngkaDavan ** nimalan ninmalan nIdhi vAnavan * nIL madhiL aranggaththu ammAn *  thirukkamala pAdham vandhu * en kaNNin uLLana okkinRadhE  (1) (2) 927.He is the lord, who can eliminate all the doshas of the jeevAthmas and grant them moksham. With the same intention in mind, and bestowin...


*AMALANADIPIRAN TANIYANS* *TANIYAN -1* SANSKRIT TANIYAN BY PERIA NAMBI आपाद चूडं अनुभूय हरिं शयानं मध्यॆकवेर दुहितुर् मुदितान्तरात्मा | अद्रष्टृताम् नयनयॊर् विषयान्तराणाम् यॊ निश्चिकाय मनवै मुनिवाहनं तम् |   ஆபாத சூடம் அனுபூய ஹரிம் ஶயானம் மத்யேகவேர துஹிதுர் முதிதாந்தராத்மா அத்ரஷ்ட்ருதாம் நயனயோர் விஷயாந்தராணாம் யோ நிஶ்சிகாய மனவை முநிவாஹநம் தம் ApAda chUDaM anubhUya hariM shayAnaM madhyEkavera duhitur muditAntarAtmA adraShTRutAm nayanayOr viShayAntarANAm yO nishchikAya manavai munivAhanaM tam. Let me ever ruminate upon that person, who was carried by the muni, known as tiruppANAzhvr, who assimilated and rejoiced through his eyes the beauty of lord tiruvarangan’s tirumeni, who resides in a reclined state amidst river Kaveri from foot to head(pAdAdikesam), and emanated spontaneously with 10 verses, thereby pronouncing not to view any thing else with his eyes and as a result became one with almighty instantly. *TANIYAN – 2* TAMIZH TANIYAN BY TIRUMALAI NAMBI  காட்டவே கண்ட பாத கமலம் ...


*AMALANADIPIRAN*by  *TIRUPPANAZHVAR* This Divya Prabandam called AMALANADIPIRAN, finds its place after ‘Tiruppalliyezhuchi’ as the 8th Prabandam in the first set of thousand songs referred as’MudalAyiram’.  Although this is a short and crisp Prabandam with only 10 verses, the philosophy and the theory embedded is ten folds bigger. Engrossed in the beauty or the soundaryam of Periya perumAL, this AzhvAr also referred as pAN perumAl or munivAhana, potrays the lord from tiruvadi to tirumudi (foot to head).  Yoga sAstra, is said to have 8 limbs. Actually there are 7 and the 8th one being the angAngi. The same can be observed here in this Prabandam too. AzhvAr describes individually emperumAn’s kamalapAdam, undhi(bellybutton), udharabandham(girdle), tiruvAramArbu(chest), kandam(neck), chevvAi(mouth), kaNgal(eyes) and as the angAngi neela mEni(his whole body). Let us also delve in this Prabandam and enjoy lord RANGANATHA and be bestowed with his blessings. Tiru-pAN-AzhvAr, an e...