NACHCHIYAR TIRUMOZHI 14 PASURAMS 637 to 646 *paTTi mEyndOr After all the hardships that AndAl faced in uniting with the Lord, that she explained starting from " thaiyoru thingkaLum “, finally she gets relieved by having a darshan of the Lord when He shows up, which she explains interestingly in this last decade, as a conversation between herself and her gopika friends. AndAl, in the first half of each pAsuram putsforth a question asking, "have you seen (கண்டீரே) kaNNan?" describing about Him. The later half comes as an answer saying (விருந்தாவனத்தே கண்டோமே) " *virundAvanaTTE kaNDOmE"* by the gopis. The essence of 'paramabakthi ' required to attain Him and the resultant 'pErinbam' attained out of it are clearly explained here. 637 * patti mEyndhOr kArERu * baladhEvaRku Or kIzhk kanRAy * ittIRittu viLaiyAdi * ingkE pOdhak kaNdIrE? ** ittamAna pasukkaLai * inidhu maRiththu nIrUtti * vittuk koNdu viLaiyAda * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE (2) (1) (63...