
Showing posts from January, 2024


NACHCHIYAR TIRUMOZHI 14 PASURAMS 637 to 646 *paTTi mEyndOr After all the hardships that AndAl faced in uniting with the Lord, that she explained starting from " thaiyoru thingkaLum “, finally she gets relieved by having a darshan of the Lord when He shows up, which she explains interestingly in this last decade, as a conversation between herself and her gopika friends. AndAl, in the first half of each pAsuram putsforth a question asking,  "have you seen (கண்டீரே) kaNNan?" describing about Him. The later half comes as an answer saying (விருந்தாவனத்தே கண்டோமே) " *virundAvanaTTE kaNDOmE"* by the gopis. The essence of 'paramabakthi ' required to attain Him and the resultant 'pErinbam' attained out of it are clearly explained here.   637 * patti mEyndhOr kArERu * baladhEvaRku Or kIzhk kanRAy *  ittIRittu viLaiyAdi * ingkE pOdhak kaNdIrE? ** ittamAna pasukkaLai * inidhu maRiththu nIrUtti * vittuk koNdu viLaiyAda * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE (2) (1) (63...


NACHIYAR THIRUMOZHI  13 PASURAMS  (627 -636) Kannan ennum karumdeivam  AndAl kept requesting the elders and her relatives to  take her to the places where all KaNNan resided, but in vain. It didn't happen as they were weak and incapable to meet out her demands. More over their advises made her feel even more miserable. Addressing them AndAl says, "please stop your advises. If you people cannot take me close to Him, at least  bring some thing that is associated with Him, as a prasAdam, so that keeping it close to me, I shall live my life". 627 * kaNNan ennum karundheyvam * kAtchi pazhagik kidappEnai *  puNNil puLippeydhAR pOl26 * puRam ninRu azhagu pEsAdhE **  peNNin varuththam aRiyAdha * perumAn araiyil pIthaga vaNNa Adai koNdu * ennai vAttam thaNiya vIsIrE (2) (1) 627. Oh mothers! Your advises to me, who is ever pining on the constant vision of my dark hued Lord krishNa, is like pouring tamarind water on the festering wound. I am sick and tired of you...