
Showing posts from June, 2022


 PERIAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI. PALLANDU. Pasurams- 1 - 12 During his triumph procession through the streets of Madurai city, emperumAn showed himself along with PiraaTTi to  periyAzhwAr. On seeing bhagavAn in the most beautiful form revealing his auspicious qualities such as saundharyam (beauty), etc., AzhvAr was concerned and out of great fear started thinking that “in this world which is controlled by kAlam (time), what bad might happen to him, and what evil eyes people might cast on Him”. So, he performed mangaLAsAsanam (well-wishing thoughts) to emperumAn‘s divine and beautiful form to stay forever from any evil eyes. Pasuram 1: pallANdu pallANdu pallAyiraththANdu pala kOdi nURAyiram mallANda thiN thOL maNivaNNA! un sEvadi sevvi thirukkAppu # He starts the first pasuram saying “Pallaandu Pallaandu “ praising the Lord who has conquered the enemies with His strong arms. May you be praised for ever and ever and ever and for many crores of years to come as we stand beneath your Divine...


 Taniyans on PeriyAzhwAr: 1st thaniyan- composed by Sri NAthamuni: guru mukam anadhIthya prAha vEdhAn- asEshaan nara pathi pari kluptham sulkam  AdhAthu kAmaha: svasuram amara vandhyam ranganAthasya sAkshAth dhvija kula thilakam tham vishNu chittham namaami The AzhwAr- who is the thilakam of Brahminhood; who is respected and worshipped even by Devas; who is the father-in-law of Sri Rangnathan; who wished to succeed getting the prize bag of gold coins, arranged by king Vallabha devan (narapathi: ) in order to establish the Supremacy of Sriman Narayanan as the PARATHEIVAM in the debate, without any learning, formally from an Acharyan (teacher) – to that AzhwAr, I bow down and prostrate. Next Two are dedicatory verses by PaaNdiya Bhattar: Minnaar thadamathiL soozh villiputthoor enRu orukaal Sonnaar kazhaRkamalam soodinOm –munnaaL kizhiyaRuththaan enRuraiththOm keezhmaiyiniR chErum vazhiyaRuththOm nenjamE! Vandhu. Oh mind! (nenjamE) - you helped me. Thus, (with such helpful nature...