
Showing posts from May, 2022


 The Guruparampara Taniyan rendered by KOORATHAZHVAN LakshmI nAtha samArambhAm nAtha yAmuna madhyamAm | asmadhAchArya paryanthAm vandhE guruparam parAm || I worship the entire guruparamparaa that starts with Emperumaan, Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan; which has SrI NAthamuni (in between) upto my AchArya (Sri Ramanuja). This Taniyan is composed by Sri KooratthAzhwAn (Sri Ramanujacharya¡¦s most ardent disciple); This Taniyan describes the parampara of our Acharyas which starts from Sriman Narayanan. Sri AzhwAn pays his obeisance to the parampara upto his Acharya. He does not mention the name of his Acharya. He has made it general by way of mentioning, “upto my Acharya¨ -asmadhAchArya paryanthAm .. It fits in so well for every one of us, even now, when we recite this saying, “upto my Acharyan”, I pay my obeisance to the Gurupamarapara.   AzhwAn is known for his intellect and scholarship. List of  Guruparampara upto Ramanuja Sriman Narayanan Sri Mahalakshmi Sri Vishvaksenar Sr...


Before starting to sing the prabandams, Taniyans are sung. These are laudatory verses in praise of our AchAryas. They are recited before every Prabandam and as the first shloka every day. Podhu thaniyans Let us first enjoy the podhu thaniyans. rAmAnuja dhayApAthram jnAna vairAgya bhooshaNam | srImath vEnkatanAthAyam vandhE vEdhAntha dhESikam || Meaning: I worship Vedanta Desikan (Acharya or preceptor uniquely praised as such due to his great contribution and strict adherence to Vedanthic tradition), named Venkata nAthan, endowed with auspiciousness and glories, who was a receptacle of the mercy (dayA) of his AchArya Sri Ramanuja, and who was adorned with the jewels of wisdom (jnAnam) and detachment (VairAgyam). There is also another thaniyan which is recited :(by the sishyas of thennAcharya sampradayam): Sri SailEsa dayA pAthram dhI bhakthyAdhi guNArNavam | yathIndhra pravaNam vandhE ramya jAmAthram munim || Meaning: I salute Sri ManavaaLa MaamunigaL, who has the blessings of Thiruvaai...

Classifications of 4000 hymns

 Now we all know that “Nathamuni”, retrieved all the 4000 hymns. NAMMAZHWAR revealed to Nathamuni the 4000 hymns including “Thiruvaimozhi”, Rahasyatraya and it’s meanings over three consecutive nights. Nathamuni attached apt musical meters to these hymns, consolidated and codified them into 4 categories. Let us see them one by one  FIRST THOUSAND  MUDHAL AYIRAM Mudhal Ayiram is comprised of Periazhwar  1.Pallandu 2.Periazhwar thirumozhi Andal 1.ThiruppAvai 2-NAchyAr thirumozhi Kulasekara Azhwar  1.Perumal thiru mozhi  Thirumazhisai Azhwar  1.Thiruchanda virutham THONDARADIPODI Azhwar  1.Thirumaalai 2.Thiruppalli yezhuchi ThiruppAn Azhwar  1.AmalanAdhi puran Madhurakavi Azhwar  1.Kanninun siruthAmbu SECOND THOUSANDS  IRANDAM AYIRAM Irandam Ayiram is comprised of  THIRUMANGAI AZHWAR 1.Periya Thirumozhi  2.Thirukkurunthandagam 3.ThiruNedunthandagam Thirumangai azhwar wrote a total of 6 Prabandams. Out of which the above 3 wer...


 These 108 DIVYA DESAMS are classified according to the particular region that they are situated in. In that manner we have 6 different regions or naadu as it is said.  These six regions respectively are: 1) CHOOZHA NAADU : THANJAVUR as its headquarters and its adjoining regions. 2) PAANDYA NAADU : MADURAI as its headquarters and its adjoining regions. 3) NADU NAADU : Districts of  VILLUPURAM, CUDDALORE and THIRUVANNAMALAI 4) THONDAI NAADU : Regions of southern ANDHRA and Northern TAMILNADU with KAANCHIPURAM as its headquarter. 5) MALAI NAADU : Regions belonging to KERALA 6)MEL NAADU  : Regions in the northern part.       Here is a verse to help us easily remember the number of Divya Desams in each region        40 aam CHOZHAM,  18, aam PANDIAM 2aam NADUNADU,  22 aam THONDAINADU 13aam MALAINADU, 11am MELNADU      


  Let’s now list the works of each Azhwar respectively. POIGAI AZHWAR:- Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi. A total of hundred hymns singing in praise of the Lord relating to six Divya Desam deities out of the 108. (Mangalasasanam of Divya Desam - 6) 1. SriRangam- Sri Ranganathaswamy  2. Thirukkoviloor- Sri Thiruvikama Perumal  3. Thiruvekka- Sri Yathothkari Perumal  4. Thirupathi- Sri Venkateswara  5. Thirupparkadal- Heavenly abode 6. ThiruParamapadham- Heavenly abode BOOTHATH AZHWAR:- Irandam Thiruvandhadhi. A total of hundred hymns singing in praise of the Lord relating to thirteen (13) Divya Desam deities out of the 108.  (Mangalasasanam of Divya Desam- 13) 1.SriRangam- Sri Ranganathaswamy  2.Thanjavur- Sri Neelamega Perumal  3.Kumbakonam- Sri Sarangapani Perumal 4.Thirukkoviloor- Sri Thiruvikrama Perumal  5.Thiruneermalai- Sri Neervanna Perumal  6.Mamallapuram- Sri Sthala Sayana Perumal  7.Kanchipuram- Sri Varadaraja Perumal  8.Thirupa...


  A poetic verse or stanza (in Sanskrit) designed for prayer describes the names of these AzhvArs and one more sage or Guru as follows: Blessed and penned by *PARASARA BHATTAR* "Bhutam Sarascha Mahadahvaya Bhattanatha Sri Bhaktisara Kulasekhara Yogivahan Bhaktanghrirenu Parakala Yatindra Mishran Srimat Paramkusha munim pranatosmi nityam" The salutations of the AzhwAr goes thus Bhutham- Bhuthathazhvar Sarascha- Poigaiyazhvar MahadhAhvaya-Peyazhvar Bhattanatha-Periyazhvar Sri- Andal (according to pillailokachar) Bhakthisara- Thirumazhisai Azhwar  Kulasekara-Kulasekarazhvar Yogivahan-Thiruppaanazhvar Bhakthangri renu- Thondaradippodi azhvar Parakala- Thirumangai azhvar Yathindra-Ramanujar Misran- Madurakavi Azhwar (according to pillailokachar). Parangusa muni- Nammazhvar Pranathosmi Nithyam- I do my pranams to them daily. Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam. Reply Forward