

*TIRUMALAI* 1 - 45 PASURAMS 872 - 917 THE POWER OF HIS HOLY NAME CAN EVADE HELL. 872.kAvalir pulanai vaittu kali tannai kaDakka pAindu nAvaliTTu uzhi taruhinrOm naman tamar talaihaL meedE moovulahu uNDu umizhnda mudalva nin nAmam kaTTra AvalippuDaimai kaNDAi arangamA naharuLAnE || One || 872.Oh primordial Lord!, (arangamA naharuLAnE !) who safeguards all the three worlds at the time of deluge by keeping it in your stomach and later releases it back during creation. Oh Lord! Who abodes in the city of Srirangam. By safeguarding the senses and emerging out of the ill effects of the sins committed as a consequence of the active senses, we have been able to victoriously win over Yama and even walk over the heads of yamakinkaras ascertaining our victory. All this was possible only because of the power of nAma smaraNam and nAma sankeerthanam/ nAmochAraNam. Listening to the utterances of your  name, yama bhattas ran away, getting scared to come closer.(1) nAmam kaTTra Avalippu : ITHEEHYAM...